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Created May 25, 2021 11:47
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An implementation and extension of ideas from "Weaving a Web" by Hinze and Jeuring.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Weave
( Weaver
, cons
, Loc(fdown, fleft, fright, fup, it)
, down
, up
, left
, right
, explore
) where
import Control.Monad.ST ( ST )
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector ( (!) )
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as M
newtype Weaver a = W { unW :: (a -> Loc a) -> Loc a }
newtype STWeaver s a = WS { unWS :: (a -> STLoc s a) -> STLoc s a }
callM :: (a -> STWeaver s a) -> (a -> STLoc s a) -> a -> STLoc s a
callM wv fl0 t = unWS (wv t) fl0
call :: (a -> Weaver a) -> (a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a
call wv fl0 t = unW (wv t) fl0
-- consM :: (a -> STWeaver s a) -> (M.STVector s a -> a) -> (M.STVector s a -> STWeaver s a)
-- consM wv k ts = WS (\fl0 -> locsM (callM wv) (\ts -> fl0 (k ts)) ts)
consV :: (a -> Weaver a) -> (V.Vector a -> a) -> (V.Vector a -> Weaver a)
consV wv k ts = W (\fl0 -> locsV (call wv) (fl0 . k) ts)
cons :: (a -> Weaver a) -> ([a] -> a) -> ([a] -> Weaver a)
cons wv k ts = W (\fl0 -> locs (call wv) (fl0 . k) ts)
:: forall a s
. (forall s . (a -> ST s (STLoc s a)) -> a -> ST s (STLoc s a))
-> (forall s . M.STVector s a -> STLoc s a)
-> M.STVector s a
-> STLoc s a
locsM wv fl0' ts | M.null ts = fl0' ts
| otherwise = V.head fls ts where
n = M.length ts
fls :: V.Vector (M.STVector s a -> STLoc s a)
fls = V.generate n $ \i ts ->
let upd fl t = fl ts <$ M.write ts i t
l = fls ! (i - 1)
x = fls ! i
r = fls ! min (i + 1) n
in AtS ( ts i) (wv (upd x)) (upd fl0') (upd l) (upd r)
:: ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a)
-> (V.Vector a -> Loc a)
-> V.Vector a
-> Loc a
locsV wv fl0' ts | V.null ts = fl0' ts
| otherwise = V.head fls ts where
n = length ts
fls = V.generate n $ \i ts ->
let upd fl t = fl (V.take i ts <> V.singleton t <> V.drop (i + 1) ts)
l = fls ! (i - 1)
x = fls ! i
r = fls ! min (i + 1) n
in At (ts ! i) (wv (upd x)) (upd fl0') (upd l) (upd r)
:: forall a . ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a) -> ([a] -> Loc a) -> [a] -> Loc a
locs wv fl0' [] = fl0' []
locs wv fl0' ts = NE.head fls ts where
n :: Int
n = length ts
fls :: NE.NonEmpty ([a] -> Loc a)
fls =
(\i ts -> At (ts !! i)
(wv (upd i (fls NE.!! i)))
(upd i fl0')
(upd i (fls NE.!! (i - 1)))
(upd i (fls NE.!! min (i + 1) n)))
(NE.fromList [0 ..])
upd :: Int -> ([a] -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a
upd i fl t = fl (take i ts ++ t : drop (i + 1) ts)
explore :: (a -> Weaver a) -> a -> Loc a
explore wv = fr where fr t = At t (call wv fr) fr fr fr
data STLoc s a = AtS
{ itS :: ST s a
, fdownS :: a -> ST s (STLoc s a)
, fupS :: a -> ST s (STLoc s a)
, fleftS :: a -> ST s (STLoc s a)
, frightS :: a -> ST s (STLoc s a)
data Loc a = At
{ it :: a
, fdown :: a -> Loc a
, fup :: a -> Loc a
, fleft :: a -> Loc a
, fright :: a -> Loc a
down, up, left, right :: Loc a -> Loc a
down = fdown <*> it
up = fup <*> it
left = fleft <*> it
right = fright <*> it
data Term
= Var String
| Abs String Term
| App Term Term
| If Term Term Term
deriving Show
-- con0 :: (a -> Weaver a) -> a -> Weaver a
-- con1 :: (a -> Weaver a) -> (a -> a) -> a -> Weaver a
-- con2 :: (a -> Weaver a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> Weaver a
-- con3 :: (a -> Weaver a) -> (a -> a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a -> Weaver a
-- con0 wv k = W (\fl0 -> loc0 (call wv) ( fl0 k ))
-- con1 wv k t1 = W (\fl0 -> loc1 (call wv) (\t1 -> fl0 (k t1) ) t1)
-- con2 wv k t1 t2 = W (\fl0 -> loc2 (call wv) (\t1 t2 -> fl0 (k t1 t2) ) t1 t2)
-- con3 wv k t1 t2 t3 = W (\fl0 -> loc3 (call wv) (\t1 t2 t3 -> fl0 (k t1 t2 t3)) t1 t2 t3)
-- loc0 :: ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a) -> Loc a -> Loc a
-- loc1 :: ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a) -> (a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a
-- loc2 :: ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a) -> (a -> a -> Loc a) -> a -> a -> Loc a
-- loc3 :: ((a -> Loc a) -> a -> Loc a) -> (a -> a -> a -> Loc a) -> a -> a -> a -> Loc a
-- loc0 wv fl0' = fl0'
-- loc1 wv fl0' = fl1 where
-- fl1 t1 = At t1 (wv (upd fl1)) (upd fl0') (upd fl1) (upd fl1) where
-- upd fl t1' = fl t1'
-- loc2 wv fl0' = fl1 where
-- fl1 t1 t2 = At t1 (wv (upd fl1)) (upd fl0') (upd fl1) (upd fl2) where
-- upd fl t1' = fl t1' t2
-- fl2 t1 t2 = At t2 (wv (upd fl2)) (upd fl0') (upd fl1) (upd fl2) where
-- upd fl t2' = fl t1 t2'
-- loc3 wv fl0' = fl1 where
-- fl1 t1 t2 t3 = At t1 (wv (upd fl1)) (upd fl0') (upd fl1) (upd fl2) where
-- upd fl t1' = fl t1' t2 t3
-- fl2 t1 t2 t3 = At t2 (wv (upd fl2)) (upd fl0') (upd fl1) (upd fl3) where
-- upd fl t2' = fl t1 t2' t3
-- fl3 t1 t2 t3 = At t3 (wv (upd fl3)) (upd fl0') (upd fl2) (upd fl3) where
-- upd fl t3' = fl t1 t2 t3'
-- weave :: Term -> Weaver Term
-- weave (Var s) = con0 weave (Var s)
-- weave (Abs s t1) = con1 weave (Abs s) t1
-- weave (App t1 t2) = con2 weave App t1 t2
-- weave (If t1 t2 t3) = con3 weave If t1 t2 t3
weave :: Term -> Weaver Term
weave (Var s ) = consV weave (\ts -> Var s) (V.fromList [])
weave (Abs s t1) = consV weave (\ts -> Abs s (ts ! 0)) (V.fromList [t1])
weave (App t1 t2) =
consV weave (\ts -> App (ts ! 0) (ts ! 1)) (V.fromList [t1, t2])
weave (If t1 t2 t3) =
consV weave (\ts -> If (ts ! 0) (ts ! 1) (ts ! 2)) (V.fromList [t1, t2, t3])
ex1 :: Term
ex1 = Abs
(App (App (Var "=") (Var "n")) (Var "0"))
(Var "1")
(App (App (Var "+") (Var "n"))
(App (Var "fac") (App (Var "pred") (Var "n")))
ex1' :: Term
ex1' = explore weave ex1
& down
& down
& right
& right
& down
& down
& flip fup (Var "*")
& up
& up
& up
& up
& it
-- top :: Term -> Loc Term
-- top = fr where fr t = At t (weave fr) fr fr fr
-- weave :: (Term -> Loc Term) -> Term -> Loc Term
-- weave fl0 = \case
-- Var s -> loc0 weave ( fl0 (Var s ))
-- Abs s t1 -> loc1 weave (\t1' -> fl0 (Abs s t1' )) t1
-- App t1 t2 -> loc2 weave (\t1' t2' -> fl0 (App t1' t2' )) t1 t2
-- If t1 t2 t3 -> loc3 weave (\t1' t2' t3' -> fl0 (If t1' t2' t3')) t1 t2 t3
-- repeatFirst :: [a] -> [a]
-- repeatFirst [] = []
-- repeatFirst (x:xs) = x:x:xs
-- repeatLast :: [a] -> [a]
-- repeatLast xs = foldr (\x go _ -> x : go [x]) id xs []
-- locs :: (Loc a -> a -> Loc a) -> Loc a -> [a] -> Loc a
-- locs wv l0 [] = l0
-- locs wv l0 ts = head ls where
-- ls = zipWith4 (\lft t l rgt -> At t (wv l t) l0 lft rgt)
-- (repeatFirst ls)
-- ts
-- ls
-- (repeatLast (tail ls))
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