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Last active May 24, 2023 15:00
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Parser combinator-style recognizers which allow for left-recursion.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
type Id = String
newtype Parser = Parser { alts :: [P] }
data P = T Char Parser | NT Id Parser Parser | Success
success :: Parser
success = Parser [Success]
char :: Char -> Parser
char c = Parser [T c success]
pattern (::=) :: String -> Parser -> Parser
pattern name ::= p = Parser [NT name p (Parser [Success])]
infix 1 ::= -- tighter than $ but looser than <>
-- sequencing parsers (would be <*>/<*/*> from Applicative)
(%>) :: Parser -> Parser -> Parser
Parser ps %> q0 = foldMap (`seqP` q0) ps where
seqP :: P -> Parser -> Parser
seqP (T c p) q = Parser [T c (p %> q)]
seqP (NT n p p') q = Parser [NT n p (p' %> q)]
seqP Success q = q
infixr 7 %> -- tighter than <>
-- introducing new alternatives (would be <|> from Alternative)
instance Semigroup Parser where
Parser ps <> Parser qs = Parser (ps <> qs)
instance Monoid Parser where
mempty = Parser []
type Stack = [((Id, Int), Parser, Parser)]
parse :: Parser -> String -> Bool
parse p0 xs0 = evalState (parse' 0 xs0 p0) [] where
parse' i xs = fmap or . traverse (go i xs) . alts
go :: Int -> String -> P -> State Stack Bool
go i (x:xs) (T c p) | x == c = parse' (i + 1) xs p
go _ _ T{} = pure False
go i xs (NT n p p') = state (\s -> go' s s) where
-- Find out if the current (n, i) combination is already on the stack
go' stack0 (((n',i'), q, q') : stack)
-- If so, add the p' as a new continuation, fail the current branch, and do update the stack
| n' == n && i' == i = (False, ((n',i'), p' <> q, q') : stack)
| otherwise = fmap (((n',i'), q, q') :) (go' stack0 stack)
-- If not, push a new empty continuation on the initial stack (stack0) and continue running
go' stack0 [] = runState (parse' i xs p) (((n,i), mempty, p') : stack0)
go i xs Success = state $ \stack ->
case stack of
-- If there's something on the stack we can either:
-- use it to continue parsing, or ignore it and pop it from the stack
(_, p, p') : stack' -> (evalState (parse' i xs p) stack || evalState (parse' i xs p') stack', stack)
-- If there's nothing on the stack then we succeed iff there is also no remaining input
[] -> (null xs, stack)
digit :: Parser
digit = char '0' <> char '1'
number :: Parser
number = "N" ::= number %> digit <> digit
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Should succeed:"
traverse_ (\x -> print (x, parse number x))
[ "0"
, "1"
, "00"
, "01"
, "11"
, "00000"
, "01011"
, "11111"
putStrLn "Should fail:"
traverse_ (\x -> print (x, parse number x))
[ ""
, "X"
, "01X00"
, "1001X"
, "X1101"
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