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Last active September 14, 2023 19:04
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Powershell filter winget upgrade
# add id to skip the update
$skipUpdate = @(
# object to be used basically for view only
class Software {
# get the available upgrades
$upgradeResult = winget upgrade -u
# run through the list and get the app data
$upgrades = @()
$idStart = -1
$isStartList = 0
$upgradeResult | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($isStartList -lt 1 -and -not $_.StartsWith("Name") -or $_.StartsWith("---") -or $_.StartsWith("The following packages"))
if ($_.StartsWith("Name"))
$idStart = $_.toLower().IndexOf("id")
$isStartList = 1
if ($_.Length -lt $idStart)
$Software = [Software]::new()
$Software.Name = $_.Substring(0, $idStart-1)
$info = $_.Substring($idStart) -split '\s+'
$Software.Id = $info[0]
$Software.Version = $info[1]
$Software.AvailableVersion = $info[2]
$upgrades += $Software
# view the list
$upgrades | Format-Table
# run through the list, compare with the skip list and execute the upgrade (could be done in the upper foreach as well)
$upgrades | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ($skipUpdate -contains $_.Id)
Write-Host "Skipped upgrade to package $($"
Write-Host "Going to upgrade $($_.Id)"
winget upgrade -u $_.Id
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Nice work! There's some minor issue with a package though. This is the winget update output:

Name                                                               Id                           Version          Available        Source
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise - en-us                          Microsoft.Office             16.0.14931.21024 16.0.16327.20214 winget
Oh My Posh version 17.3.0                                          JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh      17.3.0           17.4.0           winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.28.29914 Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64 14.28.29914.0    14.36.32532.0    winget
DisplayLink Graphics                                               DisplayLink.GraphicsDriver   10.3.6400.0      11.0.2412.0      winget
Teams Machine-Wide Installer                                       Microsoft.Teams          winget
5 upgrades available.

And for some reason the Microsoft Visual C++ package info is not being formatted properly.

Name                                              Id                         Version                      AvailableVersion
----                                              --                         -------                      ----------------
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise - en-us         Microsoft.Office           16.0.14931.21024             16.0.16327.20214
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (Ô ª                          Microsoft.VCRedist.2015+.x64 14.28.29914.0
DisplayLink Graphics                              DisplayLink.GraphicsDriver 10.3.6400.0                  11.0.2412.0
Teams Machine-Wide Installer                      Microsoft.Teams          

Skipped upgrade to package Microsoft.Office
Going to upgrade ª
No installed package found matching input criteria.
Skipped upgrade to package DisplayLink.GraphicsDriver
Skipped upgrade to package Microsoft.Teams

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AsadGG commented Sep 4, 2023

i am using this
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "winget upgrade -u $($_.Id); Read-Host"
instead of
winget upgrade -u $_.Id

is there a problem with this aproach?

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