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Last active April 5, 2024 13:22
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  • Save novaTopFlex/1102fad79901b29912f156c6759c54ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save novaTopFlex/1102fad79901b29912f156c6759c54ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Common and Special File Extensions
  • c for C
  • cpp for C++ (Alternate is c++)
  • h for C and C++ headers
  • sh for Shell scripts (#! for the shebang)
  • py for Python scripts (Context should separate Python 3 scripts from legacy Python 2.)
  • rb for Ruby scripts
  • pl for Perl (Perl5) scripts
  • raku for Raku (formerly Perl6) scripts
  • rakumod for Raku modules
  • rakudoc for Raku documentation in the POD6 format
  • rakutest and t for Raku tests
  • html for HTML source code
  • css for external styling with CSS
  • js for JavaScript files
  • json for JavaScript Object Notation files (often combined with HTTP in CouchDB)
  • bson for Binary JSON files (often utilized with MongoDB)
  • frm for mySQL schema or definition files
  • myd for MyISAM Table Data
  • myi for MyISAM Table Indices
  • ml for OCaml Module Implementations
  • mli for OCaml Module Interfaces
  • php for standard PHP files
  • phtml for legacy PHP 2 files
  • php3 for PHP 3 files
  • php4 for PHP 4 files
  • php5 for PHP 5 files
  • php6 for PHP 6 files
  • php7 for PHP 7 files
  • phps for PHP Source
  • lua for Lua code files
  • go for Go language code
  • kt for Kotlin code files
  • kts for Kotlin Script files
  • tex for LaTeX text files
  • clj for Clojure files
  • cljs for ClojureScript files
  • edn for Clojure Extensible Data Notation files
  • cljc for Clojure reader conditional files
  • sqlite or sqlite3 for SQLite database files
  • svg for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  • scala or sc for Scala language files
  • java for Java language files
  • jar for Java classes archive files (abbreviation for Java ARchive)
  • rs for Rust source code
  • tcl for Tcl code files
  • ts (conflicting definitions exist) for TypeScript files
  • jl for Julia code
  • r for R source code (recommended)
  • rkt for Racket program files
  • rdata for R data (recommended)
  • rhistory for R history (recommended)
  • ads for Ada Specification File
  • adb for Ada Body File
  • ada for Ada Source Code (rare)
  • cr for Crystal code (recommended)
  • d for D source code
  • j for Java by Oracle (novaTopFlex is currently unsure about the special yet rare J programming language.)
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