// ==UserScript== |
// @name Spotify MediaSession API Fixer |
// @version 2 |
// @description Re-Adds the browser media session controller when the user is listening on connect |
// @author Nova (nova.is-a.dev) |
// @match https://open.spotify.com/* |
// @match https://novathefox.github.io/userscript-deps/spotims.options.html |
// @match https://developer.spotify.com/tutorial?gapi |
// @icon https://gist.github.com/assets/47910472/97bc3b06-f8c8-40cb-8aa8-b321d3b25cd7 |
// @updateURL https://gist.github.com/novathefox/f8661356979187d38bf48c92ae4492b4/raw/0b258ba3660ab3ba007b60873fd421faa83f2435/spotims.user.js |
// @downloadURL https://gist.github.com/novathefox/f8661356979187d38bf48c92ae4492b4/raw/0b258ba3660ab3ba007b60873fd421faa83f2435/spotims.user.js |
// @grant GM_setValue |
// @grant GM_getValue |
// @grant GM.getValue |
// @grant GM_setClipboard |
// @grant unsafeWindow |
// @grant window.close |
// @grant window.focus |
// @grant window.onurlchange |
// @grant GM_notification |
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest |
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand |
// @grant unsafeWindow |
// @sandbox MAIN_WORLD |
// ==/UserScript== |
GM_registerMenuCommand("Grab API KEY", () => { |
alert("Please ensure that you are logged in") |
const windowFeatures = "left=100,top=100,width=442,height=103"; |
const handle = window.open( |
"https://developer.spotify.com/tutorial?gapi", |
"set", |
windowFeatures, |
); |
console.log(handle) |
}); |
if(window.location.href == "https://developer.spotify.com/tutorial?gapi"){ |
setTimeout(function () { |
GM_setValue("apikey",document.querySelector("span[style='color:#2CCDA9']").innerText.trim().replaceAll("'", "")); |
alert("Grabbed KEY. This window is closing"); |
unsafeWindow.close() |
},2000) |
} |
if(GM_getValue("apikey",0) == 0){ |
alert("Grabbing API KEY") |
const windowFeatures = "left=100,top=100,width=442,height=103"; |
const handle = window.open( |
"https://developer.spotify.com/tutorial?gapi", |
"set", |
windowFeatures, |
); |
} |
var fakeAudio = document.createElement('audio') |
fakeAudio.src = "https://novathefox.github.io/userscript-deps/5-seconds-of-silence.mp3" |
fakeAudio.style.display = "none" |
fakeAudio.loop = true |
fakeAudio.disableRemotePlayback = true |
async function tchange() { |
if(document.body.contains(document.querySelector('[aria-label="Pause"]'))){fakeAudio.play()}else{fakeAudio.pause()} |
var track = await fetch("https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/" + document.querySelector('[data-testid="context-item-link"]').href.replace("https://open.spotify.com/track/", ""), { |
"headers": { |
"authorization": "Bearer " + GM_getValue("apikey"), |
}, |
"body": null, |
"method": "GET", |
"mode": "cors", |
}); |
var resp = await track.json() |
if ("mediaSession" in navigator && document.querySelector('.encore-bright-accent-set [data-encore-id="textLink"]') != null) { |
document.body.appendChild(fakeAudio) |
navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ |
title: document.querySelector('[data-testid="context-item-info-title"]').textContent, |
artist: document.querySelector('[data-testid="context-item-info-subtitles"]').textContent, |
album: "Provided by SpotiMS Userscript", |
artwork: [ |
{ |
src: resp.album.images[0].url, |
sizes: String(resp.album.images[0].width) + "x" + String(resp.album.images[0].height), |
type: "image/png", |
} |
], |
}); |
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("play", () => { |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="control-button-playpause"]').click() |
}); |
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("pause", () => { |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="control-button-playpause"]').click() |
}); |
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("stop", () => { |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="control-button-playpause"][aria-label="Pause"]').click() |
}); |
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("previoustrack", () => { |
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Previous"]').click() |
}); |
navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler("nexttrack", () => { |
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Next"]').click() |
/* Code excerpted. */ |
}); |
} |
} |
if(window.location.host == "open.spotify.com"){ |
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { |
tchange() |
}); |
observer.observe(document.querySelector("title"), { |
subtree: true, |
characterData: true, |
childList: true, |
}) |
} |
console.log("SpotiMS Fix") |