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Last active May 13, 2020 04:23
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package controllers
import (
type WorldController struct {
func (w *WorldController) Say(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputHtml
s := "<b>Hello World</b>&nbsp;"
name := r.Query("name")
if name != "" {
s = s + " " + name
s += "</br>"
return s
func (w *WorldController) TestForm1(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputHtml
m := toolkit.M{}
return toolkit.JsonString(m)
func (w *WorldController) TestForm2(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputHtml
data := r.Request.FormValue("data")
return data
func (w *WorldController) Json(r *knot.WebContext) interface{} {
r.Config.OutputType = knot.OutputJson
return struct{ ID, Title string }{"JsonID 00001", "Json Row 01 - Title"}
package controllers
import (
. ""
func TestSay(t *testing.T) {
Convey("testing /say endpoint", t, func() {
request := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/bebas?name=value", nil)
ctx := new(knot.WebContext)
ctx.Request = request
ctx.Writer = httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx.Config = knot.NewResponseConfig()
ctx.Server = new(knot.Server)
result := new(WorldController).Say(ctx)
So(result, ShouldEqual, `<b>Hello World</b>&nbsp; value</br>`)
func TestTestForm1(t *testing.T) {
Convey("testing /testform1 endpoint", t, func() {
payload := []byte(`{"some": "payload"}`)
request := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/losss-ga-rewel", bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
ctx := new(knot.WebContext)
ctx.Request = request
ctx.Writer = httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx.Config = knot.NewResponseConfig()
ctx.Server = new(knot.Server)
result := new(WorldController).TestForm1(ctx)
So(result, ShouldEqual, `{"some":"payload"}`)
func TestTestForm2(t *testing.T) {
Convey("testing /testform2 endpoint", t, func() {
payload := []byte(`data=somevalue`)
request := httptest.NewRequest("POST", "/losss-ga-rewel", bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
ctx := new(knot.WebContext)
ctx.Request = request
ctx.Writer = httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx.Config = knot.NewResponseConfig()
ctx.Server = new(knot.Server)
result := new(WorldController).TestForm2(ctx)
So(result, ShouldEqual, `somevalue`)
func TestJson(t *testing.T) {
Convey("testing /json endpoint", t, func() {
request := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/losss-ga-rewel", nil)
ctx := new(knot.WebContext)
ctx.Request = request
ctx.Writer = httptest.NewRecorder()
ctx.Config = knot.NewResponseConfig()
ctx.Server = new(knot.Server)
result := new(WorldController).Json(ctx)
resultJSONString := toolkit.JsonString(result)
So(resultJSONString, ShouldEqual, `{"ID":"JsonID 00001","Title":"Json Row 01 - Title"}`)
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