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Save novelistparty/261c409a0de361f38b8e029682ddba2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
allow Wireguard to replace ppp
/* isc license probably */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#define NOPE(...) do { fprintf(stderr, "error: " __VA_ARGS__); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while(0)
#define END_BYTE 0x7E
#define ESC_BYTE 0x7D
#define ESC_MASK 0x20
static void writeall(int fd, const unsigned char * buf, const size_t count) {
for (const unsigned char * cursor = buf, * end = buf + count; cursor < end; ) {
const ssize_t ret = write(fd, cursor, end - cursor);
if (-1 == ret) NOPE("%s: cannot write(): %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno));
cursor += ret;
int main(const int argc, char ** const argv) {
const char * const slash_in_argvzero = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
const char * const progname = slash_in_argvzero ? slash_in_argvzero + 1 : argv[0];
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Forward packets between udp and serial, with ppp-like framing, for the purpose of tunneling Wireguard over a raw serial line\n\n", progname);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [serial device] [baud rate] [udp port to listen on] [udp port to forward to]\n\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "Example: given a local Wireguard network with a ListenPort of 51820, configured to talk to a peer with an assumed Endpoint of, you would run:\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s /dev/ttyS0 115200 51821 51820\n", argv[0]);
/* parse cmdline arguments */
const char * const path_serial_device = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "/dev/ttyS0";
const unsigned int baud = argc > 2 ? (unsigned int)strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10) : 115200;
const unsigned short udp_port = argc > 3 ? strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 10) : 51821;
const unsigned short udp_local_port = argc > 4 ? strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 10) : 51820;
const int fd_serial = open(path_serial_device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
if (-1 == fd_serial) NOPE("%s: cannot open %s: %s\n", progname, path_serial_device, strerror(errno));
struct termios ts;
if (-1 == tcgetattr(fd_serial, &ts)) NOPE("%s: cannot tcgetattr: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
/* turn off input and output processing as much as possible */
ts.c_iflag = 0;
ts.c_oflag = 0;
/* turn on ICANON */
ts.c_lflag = ICANON;
/* but also disable all control characters, except for VEOL */
for (size_t icc = 0; icc < sizeof(ts.c_cc) / sizeof(ts.c_cc[0]); icc++)
ts.c_cc[icc] = VEOL == icc ? END_BYTE : _POSIX_VDISABLE;
/* if your desired baud rate is not represented here, fix it */
if (-1 == cfsetspeed(&ts, 2400 == baud ? B2400 : 4800 == baud ? B4800 : 9600 == baud ? B9600 : 19200 == baud ? B19200 : B115200))
NOPE("%s: cannot cfsetspeed: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
if (-1 == tcsetattr(fd_serial, TCSANOW, &ts)) NOPE("%s: cannot tcsetattr: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
/* attempt to clear stale data */
if (-1 == tcflush(fd_serial, TCIOFLUSH)) NOPE("%s: cannot tcflush: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
/* open a socket for receiving udp packets */
const int fd_udp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (-1 == fd_udp) NOPE("%s: cannot socket(): %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
if (bind(fd_udp, (struct sockaddr *)&(struct sockaddr_in) {
.sin_family = AF_INET,
.sin_port = htons(udp_port),
.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY)
}, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)))
NOPE("%s: cannot bind(%d): %s\n", progname, udp_port, strerror(errno));
/* this will be overwritten each time we get a new packet from the actual peer */
struct sockaddr_in peer = {
.sin_family = AF_INET,
.sin_port = htons(udp_local_port),
.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)
unsigned char serial_buffer[3072];
unsigned char * cursor = serial_buffer;
while (1) {
struct pollfd pollfds[] = {
{ .fd = fd_serial, .events = POLLIN },
{ .fd = fd_udp, .events = POLLIN },
if (-1 == poll(pollfds, sizeof(pollfds) / sizeof(struct pollfd), -1)) NOPE("%s: cannot poll: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
/* at least one new byte can be read from the serial line */
if (POLLIN == pollfds[0].revents) {
/* if this read would go off the end of the buffer... */
if (cursor - serial_buffer == sizeof(serial_buffer)) {
/* print a warning and reset the buffer */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: never got end of packet, resetting serial buffer\n", progname);
cursor = serial_buffer;
/* got new byte(s) from serial */
const ssize_t count = read(fd_serial, cursor, sizeof(serial_buffer) - (cursor - serial_buffer));
if (-1 == count) NOPE("%s: cannot read(): %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
if (!count) break;
/* find end byte in the characters which were just read */
unsigned char * const end = memchr(cursor, END_BYTE, count);
if (!end) {
cursor += count;
const size_t bytes_buffered_before_end = end - serial_buffer;
const size_t bytes_remaining_after_end = count - (end - cursor) - 1;
unsigned char plain[3072];
size_t plain_size = 0;
for (size_t iencoded = 0; iencoded < bytes_buffered_before_end; ) {
const unsigned char encoded = serial_buffer[iencoded++];
plain[plain_size++] = ESC_BYTE == encoded ? serial_buffer[iencoded++] ^ ESC_MASK : encoded;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: forwarding %zu->%zu bytes to udp %d\n", progname, bytes_buffered_before_end + 1, plain_size, ntohs(peer.sin_port));
if (!peer.sin_port)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: got %zd bytes from serial, but no local udp destination known yet\n", progname, count);
if (-1 == sendto(fd_udp, plain, plain_size, 0, (void *)&peer, sizeof(peer)))
fprintf(stderr, "%s warning: failed to send to %u: %s\n", progname, ntohs(peer.sin_port), strerror(errno));
/* not worth optimizing because it should never happen, but if it does due to weird termios behaviour, handle it correctly */
if (bytes_remaining_after_end)
memmove(serial_buffer, end + 1, bytes_remaining_after_end);
cursor = serial_buffer + bytes_remaining_after_end;
/* at least one complete new udp packet can be recv'd */
if (POLLIN == pollfds[1].revents) {
unsigned char plain[1535];
const ssize_t count = recvfrom(fd_udp, plain, sizeof(plain), 0, (void *)&peer, &(socklen_t) { sizeof(peer) });
if (-1 == count) NOPE("%s: cannot recvfrom(): %s\n", progname, strerror(errno));
unsigned char encoded[3071];
size_t encoded_size = 0;
/* escape bytes as necessary */
for (size_t iplain = 0; iplain < (size_t)count; ) {
const unsigned char plain_byte = plain[iplain++];
if (END_BYTE == plain_byte || ESC_BYTE == plain_byte) {
encoded[encoded_size++] = ESC_BYTE;
encoded[encoded_size++] = plain_byte ^ ESC_MASK;
encoded[encoded_size++] = plain_byte;
/* append end byte */
encoded[encoded_size++] = END_BYTE;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: forwarding %zd->%zu bytes to serial\n", progname, count, encoded_size);
writeall(fd_serial, encoded, encoded_size);
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