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Last active July 10, 2018 20:19
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  • Save novelistparty/a55bfe7de988fc29a58f432252eaa5e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save novelistparty/a55bfe7de988fc29a58f432252eaa5e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pandoc template with fixed position toc and horizontal scrollable "pre" blocks
/*! normalize.css v8.0.0 | MIT License | */
/* Document
========================================================================== */
* 1. Correct the line height in all browsers.
* 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.
html {
line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
/* Sections
========================================================================== */
* Remove the margin in all browsers.
body {
margin: 0;
* Correct the font size and margin on `h1` elements within `section` and
* `article` contexts in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
/* Grouping content
========================================================================== */
* 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
* 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
hr {
box-sizing: content-box; /* 1 */
height: 0; /* 1 */
overflow: visible; /* 2 */
* 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
* 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
pre {
font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
/* Text-level semantics
========================================================================== */
* Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
a {
background-color: transparent;
* 1. Remove the bottom border in Chrome 57-
* 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
abbr[title] {
border-bottom: none; /* 1 */
text-decoration: underline; /* 2 */
text-decoration: underline dotted; /* 2 */
* Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
strong {
font-weight: bolder;
* 1. Correct the inheritance and scaling of font size in all browsers.
* 2. Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
samp {
font-family: monospace, monospace; /* 1 */
font-size: 1em; /* 2 */
* Add the correct font size in all browsers.
small {
font-size: 80%;
* Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in
* all browsers.
sup {
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
vertical-align: baseline;
sub {
bottom: -0.25em;
sup {
top: -0.5em;
/* Embedded content
========================================================================== */
* Remove the border on images inside links in IE 10.
img {
border-style: none;
/* Forms
========================================================================== */
* 1. Change the font styles in all browsers.
* 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.
textarea {
font-family: inherit; /* 1 */
font-size: 100%; /* 1 */
line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */
margin: 0; /* 2 */
* Show the overflow in IE.
* 1. Show the overflow in Edge.
input { /* 1 */
overflow: visible;
* Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge, Firefox, and IE.
* 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.
select { /* 1 */
text-transform: none;
* Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button;
* Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox.
[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner {
border-style: none;
padding: 0;
* Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.
[type="submit"]:-moz-focusring {
outline: 1px dotted ButtonText;
* Correct the padding in Firefox.
fieldset {
padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em;
* 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.
* 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.
* 3. Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out
* `fieldset` elements in all browsers.
legend {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
color: inherit; /* 2 */
display: table; /* 1 */
max-width: 100%; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 3 */
white-space: normal; /* 1 */
* Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
progress {
vertical-align: baseline;
* Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE 10+.
textarea {
overflow: auto;
* 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10.
* 2. Remove the padding in IE 10.
[type="radio"] {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Chrome.
[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
height: auto;
* 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.
* 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
[type="search"] {
-webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */
* Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
* 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
* 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
::-webkit-file-upload-button {
-webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */
font: inherit; /* 2 */
/* Interactive
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in Edge, IE 10+, and Firefox.
details {
display: block;
* Add the correct display in all browsers.
summary {
display: list-item;
/* Misc
========================================================================== */
* Add the correct display in IE 10+.
template {
display: none;
* Add the correct display in IE 10.
[hidden] {
display: none;
/* ===============================================
* Custom Settings
* ===============================================*/
@media (min-width: 705px) {
body {
width: 700px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
@media (max-width: 1050px) {
#TOC {
display: none!important;
nav > ul {
padding-left: 1em;
margin: 0.5em;
#TOC {
position: fixed;
transform: translateX(-107%);
width: 11em;
background: rgba(239, 236, 236, 1);
top: 10px;
font-size: small;
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-left: 0.5em;
body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
padding: 0;
h1.title {
} {
} {
h2 {
pre {
overflow-x: scroll;
padding-left: 0.5em;
border-left: 4px solid #eef;
code {
font-family: "Consolas", monospace;
border-radius: 4px;
blockquote {
p.caption {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" lang="$lang$" xml:lang="$lang$"$if(dir)$ dir="$dir$"$endif$>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes" />
<meta name="author" content="$author-meta$" />
<meta name="" content="$date-meta$" />
<meta name="keywords" content="$for(keywords)$$keywords$$sep$, $endfor$" />
<title>$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ – $endif$$pagetitle$</title>
<style type="text/css">
span.smallcaps{font-variant: small-caps;}
span.underline{text-decoration: underline;}
div.column{display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 50%;}
q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }
<style type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$" />
<h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
<p class="subtitle">$subtitle$</p>
<p class="author">$author$</p>
<p class="date">$date$</p>
<nav id="$idprefix$TOC">
title author date
Markdown to HTML test page
May 10, 2018


Create the page with pandoc -s -o out.html --css=simple_floatTOC_wnormalize.css --template=template.html --mathjax --toc --toc-depth=1

pandoc [options] [input-file]...

Description of the entire thing

$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$

$v(t) = v_0 + \frac{1}{2}at^2$

$\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1 - v^2/c^2}}$

$\exists x \forall y (Rxy \equiv Ryx)$

$p \wedge q \models p$

$\Box\diamond p\equiv\diamond p$

$\int_{0}^{1} x dx = \left[ \frac{1}{2}x^2 \right]_{0}^{1} = \frac{1}{2}$

$e^x = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} = \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} (1+x/n)^n$

Pandoc is a [Haskell] library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

Pandoc can convert between numerous markup and word processing formats, including, but not limited to, various flavors of [Markdown], [HTML], [LaTeX] and [Word docx]. For the full lists of input and output formats, see the --from and --to [options below][General options]. Pandoc can also produce [PDF] output: see [creating a PDF], below.

Pandoc's enhanced version of Markdown includes syntax for [tables], [definition lists], [metadata blocks], [footnotes], [citations], [math], and much more. See below under [Pandoc's Markdown].

Pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the document (an abstract syntax tree or AST), and a set of writers, which convert this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer. Users can also run custom [pandoc filters] to modify the intermediate AST.

Because pandoc's intermediate representation of a document is less expressive than many of the formats it converts between, one should not expect perfect conversions between every format and every other. Pandoc attempts to preserve the structural elements of a document, but not formatting details such as margin size. And some document elements, such as complex tables, may not fit into pandoc's simple document model. While conversions from pandoc's Markdown to all formats aspire to be perfect, conversions from formats more expressive than pandoc's Markdown can be expected to be lossy.

Using pandoc

If no input-files are specified, input is read from stdin. Output goes to stdout by default. For output to a file, use the -o option:

pandoc -o output.html input.txt

By default, pandoc produces a document fragment. To produce a standalone document (e.g. a valid HTML file including <head> and <body>), use the -s or --standalone flag:

pandoc -s -o output.html input.txt

For more information on how standalone documents are produced, see [Templates] below.

If multiple input files are given, pandoc will concatenate them all (with blank lines between them) before parsing. (Use --file-scope to parse files individually.)

Specifying formats

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    int x, y, z;

    while (1) {
        x = 0;
        y = 1;
        do {
            printf("%d\n", x);

            z = x;
            x = y;
            y = z;
        } while (x < 255);
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