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Supporting Drush Commands in DrupalConsole

UNFINISHED ~~ WORK IN PROGRESS this list comes from hechoendrupal/drupal-console#1522

Drush Command Description Equivalent Will not Implement Notes
archive-dump Backup your code, files, and database into a single file. PR that is been work on - #766
archive-restore Expand a site archive into a Drupal web site #1524
browse Display a link to a given path or open link in a browser
cache-clear Clear a specific cache, or all drupal caches cache:rebuild
cache-get Fetch a cached object and display it
cache-rebuild Rebuild a Drupal 8 site and clear all its caches cache:rebuild
cache-set Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format
config-edit Open a config file in a text editor. Edits are imported into active configration after closing editor
config-export Export configuration to a directory. config:export
config-get Display a config value, or a whole configuration object config:debug
config-import Import config from a config directory config:import
config-list List config names by prefix
config-set Set config value directly config:override
core-cli Open an interactive shell on a Drupal site #1359
core-config Edit drushrc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files
core-cron Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site cron:execute
core-execute Execute a shell command exec "ls -la"
core-quick-drupal Download, install, serve and login to Drupal with minimal configuration and dependencies chain --file=~/.console/chain/quick-start.yml
core-requirements Provides information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation check site:status
core-rsync Rsync the Drupal tree to/from another server using ssh
core-status Provides a birds-eye view of the current Drupal installation site:status
core-topic Read detailed documentation on a given topic
drupal-directory Return the filesystem path for modules/themes and other key folders `drupal site:status grep directory`
entity-updates Apply pending entity schema updates update:entities
field-clone Clone a field and all its instances
field-create Create fields and instances. Returns urls for field editing
field-delete Delete a field and its instances
field-info View information about fields, field_types, and widgets
field-update Return URL for field editing web page
help Print help message help or help site:install
image-derive Create an image derivative
image-flush Flush all derived images for a given style image:styles:flush
php-eval Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal
php-script Run php script(s)
pm-disable Disable one or more extensions (modules or themes)
pm-download Download projects from or other sources
pm-enable Enable one or more extensions (modules or themes)
pm-info Show detailed info for one or more extensions (modules or themes).
pm-list Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes)
pm-refresh Refresh update status information
pm-releasenotes Print release notes for given projects
pm-releases Print release information for given projects
pm-uninstall Uninstall one or more modules
pm-update Update Drupal core and contrib projects and apply any pending database updates
pm-updatecode Update Drupal core and contrib projects to latest recommended releases
pm-updatestatus Show a report of available minor updates to Drupal core and contrib projects
queue-list Returns a list of all defined queues queue:debug
queue-run Run a specific queue by name queue:run
role-add-perm Grant specified permission(s) to a role
role-create Create a new role
role-delete Delete a role
role-list Display a list of all roles defined on the system
role-remove-perm Remove specified permission(s) from a role
runserver Runs PHP's built-in http server for development server
search-index Index the remaining search items without wiping the index
search-reindex Force the search index to be rebuilt
search-status Show how many items remain to be indexed out of the total.
shell-alias Print all known shell alias records
site-alias Print site alias records for all known site aliases and local sites site:debug
site-install Print site alias records for all known site aliases and local sites site:install
site-set Set a site alias to work on that will persist for the current session
sql-cli Open a SQL command-line interface using Drupal's credentials database:client
sql-connect A string for connecting to the DB database:connect
sql-create Create a database
sql-drop Drop all tables in a given database database:drop
sql-dump Exports the Drupal DB as SQL using mysqldump or equivalent database:dump
sql-query Execute a query against a database
sql-sanitize Run sanitization operations on the current database
sql-sync Copies the database contents from a source site to a target site. Transfers the database dump via rsync
state-delete Delete a state value state:delete
state-get Display a state value state:debug
state-set Set a state value state:override
twig-compile #1525
updatedb Apply any database updates required update:execute
updatedb-status List any pending database updates update:debug
usage-send Send anonymous Drush usage information to statistics logging site
usage-show Show Drush usage information that has been logged but not sent
user-add-role Add a role to the specified user accounts
user-block Block the specified user(s)
user-cancel Cancel a user account with the specified name
user-create Create a user account with the specified name
user-information Print information about the specified user(s)
user-login Display a one time login link for the given user account (defaults to uid 1) user:login:url
user-password Set the password for the user account with the specified name
user-remove-role Remove a role from the specified user accounts
user-unblock Unblock the specified user(s)
variable-delete Delete a variable. Command variable-get requires Drupal core version 6 or 7 to run. For this reason, this command does not apply for DrupalConsole.
variable-get Get a list of some or all site variables and values Command variable-get requires Drupal core version 6 or 7 to run. For this reason, this command does not apply for DrupalConsole
variable-set Set a variable config:override
version Show drush version --version
watchdog-delete Delete watchdog messages database:log:clear
watchdog-list Show available message types and severity levels
watchdog-show Show watchdog messages database:log:debug
make Turns a makefile into a working Drupal codebase
make-convert Convert a legacy makefile into YAML format
make-generate Generate a makefile from the current Drupal site
make-update Process a makefile and outputs an equivalent makefile with projects version resolved to latest available
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ghost commented Jul 25, 2018

How to update an image in sql database using php and show on a web page this image?

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