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Checking for syncthing conflict files and adding them to my Org mode agenda
## This script appends to ORGFILE when syncthing conflict files are located on the host.
## setup:
## 1. pip3 install appendorgheading
## 2. modify ORFGILE to match an Org mode file which is part of your agenda (in order to get notified).
## 3. create a cronjob entry for this script to run, e.g., daily.
HOSTNAME=$(uname -n)
# ORGFILE="" ## for local testing
CONFLICTS=$(locate sync-conflict)
if [ -z "${CONFLICTS}" ]; then
## wc on an empty result would result in one line and thus, one false positive
NUM_CONFLICTS=$(echo "${CONFLICTS}" | wc -l)
[ ${NUM_CONFLICTS} -gt 0 ] && /usr/local/bin/appendorgheading --title "Host ${HOSTNAME} has ${NUM_CONFLICTS} syncthing conflicts" \
--quiet \
--section "Please fix this conflicts manually:\n\n#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE\n${CONFLICTS}\n#+END_EXAMPLE\n\n\n " --output "${ORGFILE}"
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