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Last active October 7, 2022 20:26
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Dichotomic search in PHP
// Create an array and hide a value in it
$mySearchedValue = rand(0, 100);
$array = array_merge(
array_map(static function () {
return rand(0, 100);
}, array_fill(0, rand(9, 13), null)),
array_map(static function () {
return rand(0, 100);
}, array_fill(0, rand(2, 4), null))
// Remove duplicate values
$array = array_unique($array);
// Sort an array in ascending order
// Search $searchedValue in the array and return the index
function dichotomicSearch($array, $searchedValue, $begin, $end) {
if ($begin <= $end) {
// Compute middle index
$middle = ($begin+$end)>>1; // the same that: floor(($begin+$end)/2);
if ($array[$middle] === $searchedValue) { // If the middle index has the value
return $middle;
} elseif ($array[$middle] < $searchedValue) { // If my value is higher, search the right side
return dichotomicSearch($array, $searchedValue, $middle+1, $end);
} elseif ($array[$middle] > $searchedValue) { // If my value is lower, search the left side
return dichotomicSearch($array, $searchedValue, $begin, $middle-1);
// My value is not in the array
return -1;
var_dump('array', $array);
echo 'searchedValue: ' . $mySearchedValue . "\r\n";
echo 'index found: ' . dichotomicSearch($array, $mySearchedValue, 0, count($array) - 1);
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