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Created April 13, 2011 23:08
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k-means clustering in Common Lisp
(defun classify (means data dist-func)
(let ((sets (loop for m in means collect '())))
(loop for d in data do
(let ((min 0)
(dist (funcall dist-func d (car means))))
(loop for m in (cdr means) for n from 1 do
(when (< (funcall dist-func d m) dist)
(setf min n
dist (funcall dist-func d m))))
(push d (nth min sets))))
(defun update-means (sets sum-func div-func)
(loop for set in sets collect
(funcall div-func
(funcall sum-func set)
(length set))))
(defun k-means (k data sum-func div-func dist-func)
;; randomly assign the data into k sets
(let ((sets (loop with d = (copy-list data) for i below k collect
(loop for j below (/ (length data) k) while (plusp (length d)) collect
(let ((new (random (length d))))
(nth new d)
(setf d (delete (nth new d) d))))))))
(loop with converged = nil for i below 100 while (not converged) do
(let ((prev-sets (copy-list sets)))
;; classify the data
(setf sets (classify (update-means sets sum-func div-func) data dist-func))
(when (equalp sets prev-sets) (setf converged t))))
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