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Created October 31, 2021 02:12
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This script applies the Roslyn analyzers under the assembly definition file (.asmdef) to each project .csproj file. Analyzer maintains the dependencies described in the <see href="">Analyzer scope</see> of Unity 2020.2 or later. You can distribute the analyzer for your lib…
// Copyright (c) 2021 Koji Hasegawa
// This software is released under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
namespace AnalyzerImporter
/// <summary>
/// This script applies the Roslyn analyzers under the assembly definition file (.asmdef) to each project .csproj file.
/// Analyzer maintains the dependencies described in the <see href="">Analyzer scope</see> of Unity 2020.2 or later.
/// You can distribute the analyzer for your library along with the UPM package.
/// Usage:
/// 1. Place the analyzer DLL files in the directory same or under the .asmdef file
/// 2. Place this script in the directory same or under the .asmdef file
/// 3. Check if the assembly definition file (.asmdef) name is the same as the assembly name
/// How it works:
/// 1. Remove `Analyzer` node added by IDE that does not consider dependencies or package cache paths
/// 2. Apply the analyzer under this asmdef to the .csproj file that contains this assembly as a dependency
/// Cautions:
/// - Required same as the assembly definition file (.asmdef) name and assembly name.
/// - It does not work the chain of dependence. Only dependencies written directly to asmdef will work.
/// </summary>
public class AnalyzerImporter : AssetPostprocessor
private static readonly XNamespace s_xNamespace = "";
private static string MyAssemblyName => typeof(AnalyzerImporter).Assembly.GetName().Name;
private static string MyAssemblyRoot => AssetDatabase
.FindAssets(MyAssemblyName, new string[] { })
.Replace($"/{MyAssemblyName}.asmdef", "");
// NOTE: required same as the assembly definition file (.asmdef) name and assembly name.
private static IEnumerable<XElement> MyAnalyzers => AssetDatabase
.FindAssets("l:RoslynAnalyzer", new string[] { MyAssemblyRoot })
.Select(x => new XElement(s_xNamespace + "Analyzer", new XAttribute("Include", x)));
private static IEnumerable<string> MyRelativePathAnalyzers => AssetDatabase
.FindAssets("l:RoslynAnalyzer", new string[] { MyAssemblyRoot })
private static string RemoveRelativePathAnalyzers(string content)
foreach (var relativePathAnalyzer in MyRelativePathAnalyzers)
content = content.Replace($"<Analyzer Include=\"{relativePathAnalyzer}\" />", "");
return content;
private static bool ExistProjectReferenceInCsproj(string content)
content.Contains($"<AssemblyName>{MyAssemblyName}</AssemblyName>") ||
content.Contains($"<ProjectReference Include=\"{MyAssemblyName}.csproj\">") ||
content.Contains($"<Reference Include=\"{MyAssemblyName}\">");
private static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content)
content = RemoveRelativePathAnalyzers(content);
if (!ExistProjectReferenceInCsproj(content))
return content;
var xDocument = XDocument.Parse(content);
xDocument.Root?.Add(new XElement(s_xNamespace + "ItemGroup", MyAnalyzers.ToArray() as object[]));
return $"{xDocument.Declaration}{Environment.NewLine}{xDocument.Root}";
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