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noxasaxon /
Created February 27, 2021 22:40
testing parameter resolver auto run jinja
import timeit
# root_object = {
# "artifacts": {
# "event": {
# "details": {
# "firstname": "Sterling",
# "middlename": "Malory",
# "lastname": "Archer",
# "vault_test" : "vault:socless_vault_tests.txt"
noxasaxon /
Created October 18, 2021 21:11
/// ```
/// use ex01::list_of_plastic;
/// assert_eq!(list_of_plastic("Polyethylene Terephthalate"), Some("Polyethylene Terephthalate"));
/// assert_eq!(list_of_plastic("not a plastic"), None);
/// assert_eq!(list_of_plastic("Polyvinyl Chloride"), Some("Polyvinyl Chloride"));
/// ```
pub fn list_of_plastic(plastic: &str) -> Option<&str> {
noxasaxon / SketchSystems.spec
Created November 17, 2021 18:20
My Awesome Sketch
My Awesome Sketch
First State
some event -> Second State
Second State
some event -> Third State
Third State
noxasaxon /
Created November 18, 2021 03:02
/// use ex00::born_to_be_alive;
/// let thread = born_to_be_alive();
/// let _ = thread.join();
/// ```
pub fn born_to_be_alive() -> JoinHandle<()> {
noxasaxon /
Created September 6, 2022 20:14
testing result library's as_result decorator, which VsCode shows type errors even though it runs fine. The type errors go away if this code is in the actual result library repo
from result import as_result
import requests
def test_as_result_3rd_party_fn() -> None:
The ``as_result()`` is a signature-preserving decorator.
request_nt = as_result(BaseException)(requests.request)
graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Initialize endStatePrompt and currentContext]
    B --> C[Set endStateReached to false and initialize proposedViaRecheck]
    C --> D{endStateReached?}
    D -->|No| E[Call proposeNextStep]
    E --> F[Call recheckProposedStep]
    F --> G{recheck != nextStep and proposedViaRecheck.length > 3?}
    G -->|Yes| H[Throw Error: Too many rejections, aborting workflow]
 G --&gt;|No| I{recheck != nextStep?}