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Last active April 22, 2016 03:21
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CSC346 course files for Json and XML
This Gist is for miscellaneous files from CSC346 at Missouri Western State University.
package main
import (
type course struct {
Discipline string
CourseNumber string
Title string `json:"course_title"`
room string `json:"boo"`
MaxEnrollment int16
func main() {
var becker course;
becker.Discipline = "CSC"
becker.CourseNumber = "410"
becker.MaxEnrollment = 25 = "A126"
becker.Title = "Computer and Network Security"
pickett := course{Discipline:"CSC", CourseNumber:"328",
Title:"Graphics", room:"A119", MaxEnrollment:25}
yan := course{"CSC", "208", "Discrete Structures","A119",20}
agenda := [3]course{yan,pickett,becker}
for i,d := range agenda{
fmt.Printf("[%v] %v\n", i, d)
data, err := json.Marshal(pickett)
if err!= nil{
log.Fatalf("Marshalling failed: %v\n",err.Error)
fmt.Printf("pickett as JSON: %v\n", data);
var beckerJson []byte;
beckerJson, err= json.Marshal(becker);
fmt.Printf("becker as Json: %v\n", beckerJson)
fmt.Printf("becker as Json: %s\n", beckerJson)
data,_ = json.MarshalIndent(pickett,""," ")
fmt.Printf("Pickett nicely formated: \n%s\n",data)
data,_ = json.MarshalIndent(pickett,"\u262e","------->")
fmt.Printf("Pickett nicely formated: \n%s\n",data)
data,_ = json.MarshalIndent(agenda,""," ")
fmt.Printf("The agenda slice as Json\n%s\n",data)
package main
import (
type userType struct {
Login string
Id int
Avatar string `json:"avatar_url"`
GistCount int `json:"public_gists"`
func main() {
myURL := ""
//This is a simple parameter, so it isn't really necessary to encode it.
//However, it would be common to do this in other situtaions, so i included it.
query := myURL + url.QueryEscape("noynaert")
fmt.Printf("The encoded line is \"%s\"\n", query)
response, err := http.Get(query)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Error in http.Get: %v\n", err.Error())
fmt.Println("Get was successful")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", response.StatusCode);
//A status code of 200 means everything is OK. This is the same as a browser gets.
//It is important to realize that at this point the program is acting like a browser.
//Try misspelling noynaert and you should get a "404 missing page message, just
//like you would with a browser.
if response.StatusCode != 200 {
log.Panicf("Status code error: %v\n", response.Status)
//I forgot to close the response body in class, but I added it now.
//Note that it is deferred, so it will not actually close until this
//function ends.
defer response.Body.Close()
fmt.Println("This is the response.Body");
var body []byte;
body, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
//In GO, getting data from a web site is much like reading from a file. That is
//why the ioutil package is being used.
if err != nil {
log.Panicln("error on Reading the body: " + err.Error())
fmt.Println("The body slice: ");
fmt.Printf("%s\n", body)
var usr = new(userType)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &usr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("The user data:")
fmt.Println("Login: " + usr.Login)
fmt.Println("Avatar URL: " + usr.Avatar)
fmt.Printf("How many gists? %v\n",usr.GistCount)
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