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Created November 4, 2008 00:33
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import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
import "GoogleMapsView.j"
import "GoogleMapsControllerView.j"
@implementation AppController : CPObject
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(CPNotification)aNotification
var theWindow = [[CPWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:CGRectMakeZero() styleMask:CPBorderlessBridgeWindowMask],
contentView = [theWindow contentView],
bounds = [contentView frame];
[theWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
// Google Maps
var gmapView = [[GoogleMapsView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds centerLat:48.858228 centerLng:2.294608 zoomLevel:17]
[gmapView setAutoresizingMask: CPViewHeightSizable | CPViewWidthSizable];
[gmapView setMapType:G_SATELLITE_MAP];
[contentView addSubview:gmapView];
// A View to control the map
var gmapControllerView = [[GoogleMapsControllerView alloc] initWithMapView:gmapView];
[contentView addSubview:gmapControllerView];
[theWindow orderFront:self];
function log(msg, level) {
CPLog(msg, ["debug", "fatal"][level || 0], "GMaps");
@implementation GoogleMapsControllerView : CPView
GoogleMapsView _mapView;
CPPoint _mouseDown;
BOOL _alreadyScrolling;
- (id)initWithMapView:(GoogleMapsView)mapView
[mapView frame];
self = [super initWithFrame:[mapView frame]];
if (self)
_mapView = mapView;
[self setAutoresizingMask:[mapView autoresizingMask]];
return self;
- (GoogleMapsView)mapView
return _mapView;
- (void)setMapView:(GoogleMapsView)mapView
_mapView = mapView;
- (void)mouseDown:(CPEvent)anEvent
if ([anEvent clickCount] == 2)
[_mapView zoomInAndSetCenter:[self eventPointToLatLng:anEvent]];
_mouseDown = [self convertPoint:[anEvent locationInWindow] fromView:[[anEvent window] contentView]];
- (id)mouseUp:(CPEvent)anEvent
_mouseDown = nil;
- (id)mouseMoved:(CPEvent)anEvent
// var pointerPosition = [self convertPoint:[anEvent locationInWindow] fromView: [[anEvent window] contentView]]
// log(pointerPosition.x + ' ' + pointerPosition.y);
- (id)mouseDragged:(CPEvent)anEvent
if (_mouseDown)
var actualPoint = [self convertPoint:[anEvent locationInWindow] fromView: [[anEvent window] contentView]];
var newRelativeCenter = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth([self frame])/2 - (actualPoint.x - _mouseDown.x), CGRectGetHeight([self frame])/2 - (actualPoint.y - _mouseDown.y))
var actualLatLngCenter = [_mapView fromContainerPixelToLatLng:newRelativeCenter];
[_mapView setCenter:actualLatLngCenter];
_mouseDown = actualPoint;
- (void)keyDown:(CPEvent)anEvent
// ZoomIn with +
if ([anEvent keyCode] == 187 && ![anEvent isARepeat]) {
[_mapView zoomIn];
// ZoomOut with -
if ([anEvent keyCode] == 189 && ![anEvent isARepeat]) {
[_mapView zoomOut];
- (id)scrollWheel:(CPEvent)anEvent
if (_alreadyScrolling)
if ([anEvent deltaY] > 3)
[_mapView zoomOut];
_alreadyScrolling = true;
setTimeout(function(){ _alreadyScrolling = false }, 100);
if ([anEvent deltaY] < -3)
[_mapView zoomIn];
_alreadyScrolling = true;
setTimeout(function(){ _alreadyScrolling = false }, 100);
- (id)eventPointToLatLng:(CPEvent)anEvent
return [_mapView fromContainerPixelToLatLng:[self convertPoint:[anEvent locationInWindow] fromView: [[anEvent window] contentView]]];
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
@implementation GoogleMapsView : CPView
GMap2 _map;
GLatLng _center;
int _zoomLevel;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aFrame centerLat:(float)centerLat centerLng:(float)centerLng zoomLevel:(int)zoomLevel
self = [super initWithFrame:aFrame];
if (self)
_center = new GLatLng(centerLat, centerLng);
_zoomLevel = zoomLevel;
_map = new GMap2(_DOMElement);
// Got to do this because map doesn't see it's div size at first
// and on the first setCenter (needed to call checkResize)
// it centers in a small frame at the top left of the page
// This is a quick hack to get things going, a better solution
// must exist!
[self refreshCenter];
[self checkResize];
[self refreshCenter];
}, 100);
return self;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aFrame
self = [super initWithFrame:aFrame];
if (self)
_map = new GMap2(_DOMElement);
return self;
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)aFrame boundsLatLngs:(CPArray)boundsLatLngs
self = [self initWithFrame:aFrame];
if (self)
bounds = new GLatLngBounds();
for(var i = 0 ; i < [boundsLatLngs count] ; i++)
var latlng = new GLatLng(boundsLatLngs[i].lat, boundsLatLngs[i].lng);
_center = bounds.getCenter();
_map = new GMap2(_DOMElement);
// Got to do this because map doesn't see it's div size at first
// and on the first setCenter (needed to call checkResize)
// it centers in a small frame at the top left of the page
_zoomLevel = _map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);
[self refreshCenter];
[self checkResize];
_zoomLevel = _map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);
[self refreshCenter];
}, 100);
return self;
- (int)zoomLevel
_zoomLevel = _map.getZoom();
return _zoomLevel;
- (void)setZoomLevel:(int)aZoomLevel
_zoomLevel = ROUND(aZoomLevel);
[self refreshCenter];
- (CPPoint)center
_center = _map.getCenter();
return CPPointMake(_center.lng(),;
- (void)setCenter:(CPPoint)aLatLngAsAPoint
_center = new GLatLng(aLatLngAsAPoint.y, aLatLngAsAPoint.x);
[self refreshCenter];
- (void)zoomInAndSetCenter:(CPPoint)aLatLngAsAPoint
_zoomLevel = _map.getZoom();
_center = new GLatLng(aLatLngAsAPoint.y, aLatLngAsAPoint.x);
[self refreshCenter];
- (id)zoomOutAndSetCenter:(CPPoint)aLatLngAsAPoint
_zoomLevel = _map.getZoom();
_center = new GLatLng(aLatLngAsAPoint.y, aLatLngAsAPoint.x);
[self refreshCenter];
- (void)zoomOut
_zoomLevel = _map.getZoom();
[self refreshCenter];
- (void)zoomIn
_zoomLevel = _map.getZoom();
[self refreshCenter];
- (void)setMapType:(id)aMapType
- (GMapType)getCurrentMapType
return _map.getCurrentMapType();
- (CPArray)getMapTypes
return _map.getMapTypes();
- (void)addMapType:(GMapType)aMapType
- (void)removeMapType:(GMapType)aMapType
- (CPPoint)fromContainerPixelToLatLng:(CPPoint)aPoint
var latlng = _map.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(aPoint);
return CPPointMake(latlng.lng(),;
- (CPPoint)fromLatLngToContainerPixel:(CPPoint)aLatLngAsAPoint
var pixel = _map.fromLatLngToContainerPixel(new GLatLng(aLatLngAsAPoint.y, aLatLngAsAPoint.x));
return pixel;
- (void)checkResize
- (void)refreshCenter
if (_center != _map.getCenter() || _zoomLevel != _map.getZoom())
_map.setCenter(_center, _zoomLevel);
- (void)forceRefreshCenter
_map.setCenter(_center, _zoomLevel);
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