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Last active September 22, 2020 20:06
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Professional Career Journal Week 5

  1. Habits Reflection:

How have you seen yourself become more aware of your habits? Have you tried implementing anything new? What have the results been?

I have started a new daily regiment that was taking time for myself rather than laying in bed waiting for the day to start. More of an action-oriented go-getter to start my day how I wanted. This changed daily from reading, working out, running, taking a shower (ususally do it in the evening) to see which one would help me feel the most relaxed and energized for the day. This has helped me improve my mindset during the day, internally less "arguments" as it felt that I was more aligned with myself.

  1. Design Thinking Reflection: Cultivating Beginner's Mind

How can beginner's mind be helpful when it comes to thinking about your career and job search? What are some habits you could put into place to cultivate beginner's mind regularly?

A beginner's mindset allows you to absorb information and apply it easier. Foundations are built while building on what has already been applied and making it stronger. This is how to become a true expert. Especially in today's world where change is very frequent.

Some habits are in the beginning of the day, have some thoughts that today you will learn X new things and apply them. Another one is to take the time to absorb the information that stood out to you. Shiny object syndrome is too easy today with how fast things can be found and learned. Figure out how to apply it in an area of every day life.

  1. Go through the Flower Exercise brainstorming worksheets linked here. Then complete your Flower Exercise final worksheet here and link that finished worksheet here.

Nathan Darrington Flower Worksheet

  1. Write out your top 5 strengths that you've seen in action this module; then write out the strengths of a software developer. Where do you see these lists overlapping? Where are they different?
  • Helping others -> I spend a lot of time offering my time to others and when others reach out to me to be able to help them out as well.
  • Keeping an open mind -> Being someone who has previous programming experience, I kept an open mind this inning to help build upon my current foundation to help myself become a stronger developer and a better debugger.
  • Work time -> When I get to work, it is very efficient. I put a lot of effort into it, sometimes even at the expense of taking a POM. If I need a break, I take a POM. If I am in the middle of figuring out an answer and don't need one, I keep my current thought process going and review it after a POM.
  • Building relationships -> Pre-Turing, I was very inclusive to myself and my family. This inning, I feel like I have built great relationships with others around me and my cohort. Not afraid to reach out for extra help or to ask questions even if I feel that I have it right.
  • Problem solving -> This inning, I have felt very confident in my ability to debug a program and find the information that I need/want to reach my end goal. Most times before Turing, I would work on it a bit and set it to the side. Now, I have built-in measures that get me to the answer fast.
  1. Write a refined vision statement here (what new things have you discovered this week to incorporate into your vision statement?):

    I am an engineer. I apply analytic thinking to problems and find a pragmatic solution that isn't a quick fix, but of lasting value. As an engineer, I value to hold integrity and high standards for myself, my co-workers and my customers.

    I am part of a team. In my software development team, I communicate clearly and proactively take action to influence a positive environment and healthy work ethic. I thrive for consistency and integrity of the creations of my team.

    I am a software craftsman. I am proud of my work and understand it as part of the creation of the community of software craftmanship, which I support. As a software craftsman, I am able to adapt and fit myself as the right tool that is the best fit for the job. Not just a "duct tape" patch job.

    I am and always will be a student. I will keep the beginners mind by playing and experimenting without the fear of failure. There will always be things I have to learn and I will make mistakes, which develop me and challenge me to become better and make others around me more successful.

    I am an optimist and a realist. I always apply this vision statement in good faith and to achieve great results together with my team. In doing so, I am willing to learn and to teach. However, I acknowledge reality and respect vision statements of other people. Because I will not violate my vision statement, I will leave every situation where my core values are not shared and where the core values of others are not shared or honored.

My vision has remained the same as I feel that I have built many core concepts into it (spent many weeks finding myself and asking questions about it). At this time, I feel an update is not required.

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@npdarrington Thank you for all of the hard work and thoughtfulness that you've put into your journals. I love your vision statement and really appreciate your positivity. :)

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