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Last active July 8, 2020 03:52
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DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  1. What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

Jeff: Solidify gitHub workflow protocol, become more familiar with event handlers.

Nathan: Solidify gitHub workflow protocol, DRY and SRB implementation.

  1. What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

Jeff: Driver and Navigator would work best for 80%.

Nathan: Driver and Navigator as I have never worked on a pair team before and want to get a good workflow.

  1. How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?

Jeff: Honest as the other person is going to let me. Constructive feedback. Not brutally honest or completely vague.

Nathan: Honest and sometimes too brutally honest. 100% open to constructive feedback and good at compartmentalizing what will benefit moving forward. Open to guidance on how to communicate better in a team.

  1. How would you describe your work style?

Jeff: Intuitive conceptualist -> visualize before a step-by-step method. Remind himself to slow down and take process one step at a time.

Nathan: Intuitive visualizing BEFORE moving forward. Get overwhelmed when a step by step process and general flow has not been established.

  1. What are each of our strengths? How can our strengths complement each other?

Jeff: Strength -> experience going through Mod 1. How long a project will take and how much effort goes into it. Great communicator that can use experience from Mod 1 to supplement any areas that Nathan's lack of experience with github and github workflow. Natural teacher.

Nathan: Stength -> previous programming experience so our starting line is a bit higher.

  1. What’s gone well or poorly in your previous projects?

Jeff: - Well: Driver, Navigator approach. - Poorly: Divide and conquer strategy.

Nathan: - Well: Visual learner that is highly adaptable. Can pick up benefits and incorporate easily - Poorly: Independent self-study for 3+ years on and off. Will need to work on team mentality.

  1. How will we set direction and make decisions as a team?

Jeff: - Dialog: Talking out the concepts and choices. Build a concensus and move forward. 3 legged race, vs 100m dash.

Nathan: - Dialog: Talking out the concepts. A concensus on how to write and structure that code so that both of us are on the same page and know what each line of code means and how to improve each other as developers.

  1. How will we overcome obstacles?

Jeff: Keeping a positive attitude and growth mindset. Struggling is part of the process.

Nathan: Keeping a positive attitude and growth mindset. Struggling is part of the process.

Follow is learning. Progress vs perfection!

  1. What do you need (resources, environment, communication) to do your best work?

Jeff: - Really flexible. - No immediate needs.

Nathan: - Really flexible. - Need some time to help Mom.

  1. What scheduling restraints do you have? What are your scheduling preferences?

Jeff: Totally open. At least 3 hours of work per day with the project. Recommend 5 hours of work per day.

Nathan: Totally open. Once a day a couple hours set aside for taking care of Mom. 3 - 5 hours of work per day.

  1. What is your style for giving feedback? Does anything ever hold you back from giving feedback?

Jeff: Honest as the situation should merit. Honest as the other person is going to let me. Constructive feedback. Not brutally honest or completely vague.

Nathan: Honest and sometimes too brutally honest. 100% open to constructive feedback and good at compartmentalizing what will benefit moving forward. Open to guidance on how to communicate better in a team.

  1. What do you identify as being your biggest strength(s) technically, as they relate to this project? Where do you feel you could use improvement in your technical skills, as they relate to this project? How can our team help support you in improving these skills?

Jeff: Experience. Slowing down, methodical approach. Open communication if rushing through a problem.

Nathan: HTML Experience. Slowing down, not waiting until the last minute. Steady schedule and progress every day.

  1. What tools do you want to use to manage the project?

Jeff: DM, establish routine, rubric, rubric iterations as a guidepost for where we want to be in relation to deadline.

Nathan: DM, establish routine, rubric, rubric iterations as a guidepost for where we want to be in relation to deadline.

  1. How do you want the group to solve problems when members run into issues with features of the project?

Jeff: Spend at least 1 POM talking out in driver/navigator. Articulate and rubber ducking what the code is doing in relation to what we want to do. Cohort Collab. MDN Documentation. Youtube.

Nathan: Spend at least 1 POM talking out in driver/navigator. Articulate and rubber ducking what the code is doing in relation to what we want to do. Cohort Collab. MDN Documentation. Youtube.

  1. How do you know if a project is successful? How can we achieve that as a group?

Jeff: Both augment understanding of the code. Each team member can explain each line of the code. Go into the next project more confident.

Nathan: Both augment understanding of the code. Each team member can explain each line of the code. Go into the next project more confident.

  1. How will we recognize each other's successes and celebrate them?

Jeff: Confident if we have productive sessions, we will be successful as long as the understanding increases by the time the project is over.

Nathan: 100% dive in to understand the code and how it is working. Fluid github workflow.

  1. Any additional questions that you would like to add:

Jeff: none.

Nathan: none.

Remote Work Considerations During the COVID-19 Quarantine

  1. What does remote focus look like for you? (headphones, distractions minimized (tv, family stuff, etc), video on)

Jeff: Empty house, only distraction is a cat. No music. Observe flexible POM schedule. 1 hour ahead of MST.

Nathan: Caretaker of Mom, lots of dogs that can get rowdy sometimes.

  1. When working from the same place where you live, life can get in the way. What are some potential life things that could interfere with your ability to focus, and what plan can we come up with to approach those issues? (Examples: my kids, my dog, my partner, etc.)

Jeff: Maximize attention span. Driver and navigator will help minimize this. Forced POM cause Nathan is a workaholic and can code for hours without stopping.

Nathan: Only if Mom needs help that I can step away to help.

  1. If we encounter issues such as power outages, Zoom difficulties, or bad wifi, what backup plans can we have in place? (This could have answers like asking a neighbor to borrow wifi, using cellphone hotspot for internet, switching to slack or skype.)

Jeff: Email, phone.

Nathan: Email, phone and plenty of friends to bum wifi.

  1. Pomodoro breaks are especially important for remote work and doubly so for quarantine. What should our Pom cadence look like? How will hold ourselves accountable?

Jeff: 40 on, 10 on. If we are in a flow, no problems continuing.

Nathan: I'll follow Jeff's lead.

  1. Quarantine is tough, so it’s important to make note of our mental/emotional state when working with others. How can we make space to check in on each other’s well being, in addition to the work that needs to be done?

Jeff: Keep it light, laughter, slack during class, relationship fostering outside of professional.

Nathan: Keep it light, laughter, slack during class, relationship fostering outside of professional.

Template for DTR Memo

Project: Hang-in-there

Group Member Names: Nathan Darrington & Jeff Woltjen

Concensus for daily work ethic: 3 - 5 hrs of time to work on project.

Day 1 Agenda: Finish Iteration Zero.
Day 2 Agenda:
Day 3 Agenda:
Day 4 Agenda:
Day 5 Agenda:
Day 6 Agenda:

Additional Notes:

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