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Created April 24, 2009 11:46
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Save nperez/101080 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stolen from Kent Cowgill
" Settings for perl stuff.
189 " perltidy things! true, perl-support provides this, but i had gotten
190 " used to hitting "_t" to run my source through perltidy.
191 nnoremap <silent> _t :%!perltidy -q<Enter>
192 vnoremap <silent> _t :!perltidy -q<Enter>
193 " instead of man pages, read perldoc on hitting K over a keyword!
194 autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pm,*.pl,*.t,*.ptml setlocal keywordprg=perldoc\ -f
195 " type "#!P<CR>" in insert mode, and it expands to a default perl fileheader
196 iabbrev #!P #!/usr/bin/perl<CR><CR>use strict;<CR>use warnings;<ESC>:filetype detect<CR>o
197 " hit "#!+" when cursor is on a \w+, and a POD stub will be created above
198 " the cursor, and you'll be dumped into insert mode in the appropriate place.
199 nnoremap <silent> #!+ bywko<cr>=item <ESC>p$xo<CR><CR>=cut<CR><ESC>3ko
200 vnoremap <silent> #!+ bywko<cr>=item <ESC>p$xo<CR><CR>=cut<CR><ESC>3ko
201 " hit "#!-" and you get POD stub doumentation for the top of a file
202 nnoremap <silent> #!- i<cr>=head1 NAME<cr><cr><cr>=head1 SYNOPSIS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 DESCRIPTION<cr><cr><cr>=head2 Header<cr><cr>=over 20<cr><cr>=item ItemName<cr><cr>=cut<cr><ESC>
203 vnoremap <silent> #!- i<cr>=head1 NAME<cr><cr><cr>=head1 SYNOPSIS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 DESCRIPTION<cr><cr><cr>=head2 Header<cr><cr>=over 20<cr><cr>=item ItemName<cr><cr>=cut<cr><ESC>
204 " hit "#!_" and you get POD stub doumentation for the bottom of a file
205 nnoremap <silent> #!_ i<cr>=back<cr><cr>=head1 AUTHOR<cr><cr>Kent Cowgill - <><cr><cr>=head1 BUGS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 SEE ALSO<cr><cr><cr>=cut<ESC>
206 vnoremap <silent> #!_ i<cr>=back<cr><cr>=head1 AUTHOR<cr><cr>Kent Cowgill - <><cr><cr>=head1 BUGS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS<cr><cr><cr>=head1 SEE ALSO<cr><cr><cr>=cut<ESC>
208 noremap ,ai :r!grep "^sub" % \| awk '{print "=item " $2}'
209 noremap ,ap maG:r ~/.vim/codesnippets-perl/podtemplate<cr>'a
211 " Settings specific for the perl-support plugin
212 " my perl includes pod
213 let perl_include_pod = 1
214 " syntax color complex things like @{${"foo"}}
215 let perl_extended_vars = 1
216 " give package names another color
217 let perl_want_scope_in_variables = 1
218 " folding!
219 "let perl_fold = 1
220 " misc settings, not that i've ever used them
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