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nperez nperez

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Stolen from Kent Cowgill
" Settings for perl stuff.
189 " perltidy things! true, perl-support provides this, but i had gotten
190 " used to hitting "_t" to run my source through perltidy.
191 nnoremap <silent> _t :%!perltidy -q<Enter>
192 vnoremap <silent> _t :!perltidy -q<Enter>
193 " instead of man pages, read perldoc on hitting K over a keyword!
194 autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pm,*.pl,*.t,*.ptml setlocal keywordprg=perldoc\ -f
195 " type "#!P<CR>" in insert mode, and it expands to a default perl fileheader
I just had a wild thought. Moose-ifying POE::Filters means that if you are stacking filters and require a thin
shim between filters, you no longer need to insert a whole new filter. Simply subclass the filter that needs its
data slightly transformed, and apply advice to the get_one()/put() methods, then insert where you would the
original filter. Very clean.