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Created May 2, 2024 02:21
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Create an interface that allows users to customize hotkeys.
* @description Create an interface that allows users to customize hotkeys.
* @file SetHotkeyGui.ahk
* @link
* @author Nikola Perovic
* @date 2024/04/22
* @version 1.0.0
#Requires AutoHotkey v2
/* Initialize the GUI with default settings */
/* Bind the F1 key to show the hotkey setting gui */
F1:: SetHotkeyGui()
/* Define the SetHotkeyGui function with an optional Show parameter */
SetHotkeyGui(Show := 1)
/* Declare a default hotkey and a variable for the GUI */
static defaultHK := "^F1", myGui := ""
/* If the GUI exists and Show is true, show the GUI and exit the function */
if myGui && Show
return myGui.Show("AutoSize")
/* Check if the setting.ini file exists and read the current hotkey; if not, write the default hotkey to the file */
if !FileExist("setting.ini") || !(currentHK := IniRead("setting.ini", "Section1", "HotKey", ""))
IniWrite(currentHK := defaultHK, "setting.ini", "Section1", "HotKey")
/* Register the current hotkey to call the HotkeyCallback function */
Hotkey(currentHK, HotkeyCallback)
myGui := Gui(, "Hotkey Setting | " A_ScriptName)
myGui.Opt("-MinimizeBox -MaximizeBox +AlwaysOnTop")
myGui.SetFont("s12", "Segoe UI")
/* Add a text element to display the current hotkey */
myGui.AddText("vOldHK r1 +0x200", "Current Hotkey: " (myGui.currentHK := currentHK))
/* Add a hotkey input field initialized with the current hotkey */
myGui.AddHotkey("vNewHK", currentHK)
/* Add a submit button and bind the OnClick function to its click event */
myGui.AddButton("x16 y104 w255 h35", "&Submit").OnEvent("Click", OnClick)
/* Define an exit function to delete the old hotkey and write the new one to the setting.ini file */
OnExit((*) => (
IniDelete("setting.ini", "Section1", "HotKey"),
IniWrite(myGui["NewHK"].Value, "setting.ini", "Section1", "HotKey")
/* Define the OnClick function for the submit button */
OnClick(guictrl, *)
/* Retrieve the GUI object from the control */
g := guictrl.Gui
/* Format a message displaying the current and new hotkeys */
msg := Format("
Current Hotkey: {1}
New Hotkey : {2}
)", oldHK := g.currentHK, newHK := g["NewHK"].Value)
/* If the old and new hotkeys are the same or the user chooses not to change, hide the GUI */
if (oldHK = newHK) || ("Yes" != MsgBox(msg, "Change Hotkey Now?", "0x4 Owner" g.hwnd))
return g.Hide()
/* Turn off the old hotkey */
Hotkey(oldHK, "Off")
/* Try to set the new hotkey and handle any exceptions */
try HotKey(newHK, HotkeyCallback, "On")
/* If setting the new hotkey fails, show a message and re-enable the old hotkey */
MsgBox("The attempt to assign a new hotkey did not succeed."),
Hotkey(oldHK, HotkeyCallback, "On")
/* If successful, update the tray tip with the new hotkey */
TrayTip(g["OldHK"].Value := "Current Hotkey: " (oldHK := newHK), "The new hotkey has been set successfully.")
/* Hide the GUI after processing */
/* Define the HotkeyCallback function when the hotkey is triggered */
HotkeyCallback(hk) => MsgBox(hk)
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