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Last active January 4, 2019 13:03
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Install ltfatpy with anaconda

This is a small gist to install ltfatpy from anaconda


  1. Install anaconda (I recommend miniconda)
  2. Add conda to the path (miniconda2)
export PATH=/scratch/snx3000/nperraud/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
  1. Create an environnement and activate it
conda create --name pyltfat python=3.5
source activate pyltfat
  1. Install library
conda install fftw
conda install -c conda-forge lapack
conda install -c conda-forge blas
  1. Load CSCS packages
module load daint-gpu
module load cray-python
module load TensorFlow/1.7.0-CrayGNU-18.08-cuda-9.1-python3
  1. Install ltfatpy
pip install ltfatpy

Later on to use it:

export PATH=/scratch/snx3000/nperraud/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
source activate pyltfat
module load daint-gpu
module load cray-python
module load TensorFlow/1.7.0-CrayGNU-18.08-cuda-9.1-python3
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