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Created March 6, 2018 19:37
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Demonstrate inconsistent behavior of celery.canvas.chord in celery 4.1.0
"""Demonstrate inconsistent chord header result values:
Run by::
pip install celery redis
python worker --loglevel INFO --config=minimal_chord_chain
# Separate shell
python shell --config=minimal_chord_chain
from minimal_chord_chain import test; test()
Results are inspectable in logging in worker's shell. Note that sometimes
``vs`` is a scalar (an int, in this case) and sometimes it's a list. This seems
like it does not match the documented behavior of ``chord``:
> The body is applied with the return values of all the header tasks as a list.
import celery
from celery.canvas import chord, group
app = celery.Celery()
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "redis://localhost/0"
def starter(v):
return v
def stepper(v):
return v + 1
def resulter(vs, test):
return vs, repr(type(vs)), test
def test():
starter.s(1) |
])(resulter.s('single task, scalar result'))
starter.s(1) |
starter.s(11) |
])(resulter.s('multiple tasks, list result'))
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
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