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Elliptic Curves
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Elliptic Curve functions
# For educational purposes only.
# N. P. O'Donnell, 2020-2021
from math import inf
import random
POINT_AT_INFINITY = (inf, inf)
Note that the order (n) can be higher or lower than p, depending on the curve parameters.
For example in CURVE_TOY it's higher, but in CURVE_SECP256K1 it's lower.
Toy curve.
17, # p
2, # a
2, # b
6, # G.x
14 # G.y
19, # n (order)
1 # h (cofactor)
secp256k1 - A more serious curve... the one used in bitcoin.
115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663, # p
0, # a
7, # b
55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240, # G.x
32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424 # G.y
115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337, # n (order)
1 # h (cofactor)
def egcd(a: int, b: int):
Extended Euclidean Algorithm
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
def mai(a: int, n: int):
Modular Additive Inverse (MAI) of a mod n
return (n - a) % n
def mmi(a: int, n: int):
Modular Mulplicative Inverse (MMI) of a mod n. The MMI exists iff
a and n are coprime.
assert(n >= 1)
if a == 1 and n == 1:
return 0
g, x, _ = egcd(a, n)
if g == 1:
return x % n
elif g == -1:
return mai(x, n)
raise ValueError(f"MMI does not exist for {a} modulo {n}")
def random_scalar(curve: tuple):
Makes a random scalar, which when multiplied by the generator of
curve G will return an element in the group G generates.
All elements are equiprobable.
return random.randint(1, curve[4] - 1)
def point_is_on_curve(curve: tuple, P: tuple):
"""Returns True if point P is on curve"""
return True
x, y = P
p, a, b, _, _, _ = curve
# L.H.S. of EC equation: y^2
lhs = (y ** 2) % p
# R.H.S. of EC equation: x^3+ax+b
rhs = ((x ** 3) + (a * x) + b) % p
return lhs == rhs
def add_points(curve, P: tuple, Q: tuple):
"""Add two points"""
assert point_is_on_curve(curve, P)
assert point_is_on_curve(curve, Q)
p, a, b, G, n, h = curve
Px, Py = P
Qx, Qy = Q
Rx, Ry = Q
Rx, Ry = P
elif Px == Qx:
if Py == Qy:
# Point doubling
x, y = P
s = (((3 * x * x) + a) * mmi(2 * y, p)) % p
Rx = (s**2 - (2 * x)) % p
Ry = ((s * (x - Rx)) - y) % p
# Opposite points
# Point addition
x1, y1 = P
x2, y2 = Q
s = ((y2 - y1) * mmi(x2 - x1, p)) % p
Rx = ((s**2) - x1 - x2) % p
Ry = ((s * (x1 - Rx)) - y1) % p
R = (Rx, Ry)
assert point_is_on_curve(curve, R)
return R
def multiply_point(curve: tuple, P: tuple, x: int):
"""Add point P to itself x - 1 times - a.k.a. multiply"""
assert point_is_on_curve(curve, P)
if x == 0:
elif x == 1:
return P
elif x == 2:
return add_points(curve, P, P)
elif x % 2 == 1:
return add_points(curve, multiply_point(curve, P, x - 1), P)
return multiply_point(curve, multiply_point(curve, P, x >> 1), 2)
def make_privkey(curve: tuple):
"""Makes a private key suitable for curve"""
return random_scalar(curve)
def derive_pubkey(curve: tuple, privkey: int):
_, _, _, G, _, _ = curve
return multiply_point(curve, G, privkey)
def ecdsa_sign(curve: tuple, privkey: int, msg_hash: int):
"""Create ECDSA signature"""
p, a, b, G, n, h = curve
k = random_scalar(curve)
R = multiply_point(curve, G, k)
r = R[0]
s = (((msg_hash + ((privkey * r) % n)) % n) * mmi(k, n)) % n
return r, s
def ecdsa_verify(curve: tuple, signature: tuple, pubkey: tuple, msg_hash: int):
"""Verify ECDSA Signature"""
p, a, b, G, n, h = curve
r, s = signature
w = mmi(s, n)
u1 = (w * msg_hash) % n
u2 = (w * r) % n
P = add_points(curve, multiply_point(curve, G, u1), multiply_point(curve, pubkey, u2))
return P[0] == r
def main():
curve = CURVE_TOY
assert add_points(curve, POINT_AT_INFINITY, (6,14)) == (6, 14)
assert add_points(curve, (6, 14), POINT_AT_INFINITY) == (6, 14)
assert add_points(curve, (6, 14), (6, 3)) == POINT_AT_INFINITY
assert add_points(curve, (6, 3), (6, 14)) == POINT_AT_INFINITY
assert add_points(curve, (3, 1), (3, 1)) == (13, 7)
assert add_points(curve, (3, 1), (10, 11)) == (5, 1)
assert add_points(curve, (10, 11), (3, 1)) == (5, 1)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 0) == POINT_AT_INFINITY
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 1) == (7, 6)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 2) == (5, 16)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 3) == (13, 7)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 4) == (6, 14)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 5) == (0, 6)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 6) == (10, 11)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 7) == (16, 13)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 8) == (3, 16)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 9) == (9, 16)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 10) == (9, 1)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 11) == (3, 1)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 12) == (16, 4)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 13) == (10, 6)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 14) == (0, 11)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 15) == (6, 3)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 16) == (13, 10)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 17) == (5, 1)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 18) == (7, 11)
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 19) == POINT_AT_INFINITY
assert multiply_point(curve, (7, 6), 20) == (7, 6)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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