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Last active June 17, 2022 07:16
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Laravel Blade directive @error to allow array input
namespace App\Providers;
use Blade;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
Blade::directive('error', function ($expression) {
return '<?php $__errorArgs = ['.$expression.'];
$__bag = $errors->getBag($__errorArgs[1] ?? \'default\');
$__errorArgs[0] = is_array($__errorArgs[0]) ? $__errorArgs[0] : [$__errorArgs[0]];
if ($__bag->hasAny($__errorArgs[0])) :
if (isset($message)) { $__messageOriginal = $message; }
$message = "";
$__i = 0;
while ($message === "") {
$message = $__bag->first($__errorArgs[0][$__i++]);
} ?>';
Blade::directive('enderror', function ($expression) {
return '<?php unset($message);
if (isset($__messageOriginal)) { $message = $__messageOriginal; }
unset($__errorArgs, $__bag, $__i); ?>';
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These blade directives override the default @error blade directive.

When implemented, you can pass an array of error bag keys to the directive. It then will assign the first message it encounters in the order of the keys to the $message variable.

So you can use it like this:

<input type="password" class="form-control @error(['email', 'failed', 'password']) is-invalid @enderror">
<label for="password">{{ trans('labels.password') }}</label>
@error(['email', 'failed', 'password'])
                <div id="passwordFeedback" class="invalid-feedback">{{ $message }}</div>

The PR (laravel/framework#42825) for this didn't get included.

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