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Forked from skaae/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from theano import ifelse
from .. import init
from .. import nonlinearities
from .base import Layer
__all__ = [
class BatchNormalizationLayer(Layer):
Batch normalization Layer [1]
The user is required to setup updates for the learned parameters (Gamma
and Beta). The values nessesary for creating the updates can be
obtained by passing a dict as the moving_avg_hooks keyword to
- input_layer : `Layer` instance
The layer from which this layer will obtain its input
- nonlinearity : callable or None (default: lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify)
The nonlinearity that is applied to the layer activations. If None
is provided, the layer will be linear.
- epsilon : scalar float. Stabilizing training. Setting this too
close to zero will result in nans.
>>> from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, BatchNormalizationLayer,
>>> from lasagne.nonlinearities import linear, rectify
>>> l_in = InputLayer((100, 20))
l_dense = Denselayer(l_in, 50, nonlinearity=linear)
>>> l_bn = BatchNormalizationLayer(l_dense, nonlinearity=rectify)
>>> hooks, input, updates = {}, T.matrix, []
>>> l_out = l_bn.get_output(
input, deterministic=False, moving_avg_hooks=hooks)
>>> mulfac = 1.0/100.0
>>> batchnormparams = list(itertools.chain(
*[i[1] for i in hooks['BatchNormalizationLayer:movingavg']]))
>>> batchnormvalues = list(itertools.chain(
*[i[0] for i in hooks['BatchNormalizationLayer:movingavg']]))
>>> for tensor, param in zip(tensors, params):
updates.append((param, (1.0-mulfac)*param + mulfac*tensor))
# append updates to your normal update list
def __init__(self, incoming,
gamma = init.Uniform([0.95, 1.05]),
beta = init.Constant(0.),
epsilon = 0.001,
super(BatchNormalizationLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
if nonlinearity is None:
self.nonlinearity = nonlinearities.identity
self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity
self.num_units = int([1:]))
self.gamma = self.create_param(gamma, (self.num_units),
self.beta = self.create_param(beta, (self.num_units),
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.mean_inference = theano.shared(
np.zeros((1, self.num_units), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
broadcastable=(True, False)) = "shared:mean"
self.variance_inference = theano.shared(
np.zeros((1, self.num_units), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
broadcastable=(True, False)) = "shared:variance"
def get_params(self):
return [self.gamma, self.beta]
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
return input_shape
def get_output_for(self, input, moving_avg_hooks=None,
deterministic=False, *args, **kwargs):
if input.ndim > 2:
output_shape = input.shape
input = input.flatten(2)
if deterministic is False:
m = T.mean(input, axis=0, keepdims=True)
v = T.sqrt(T.var(input, axis=0, keepdims=True)+self.epsilon) = "tensor:mean" = "tensor:variance"
key = "BatchNormalizationLayer:movingavg"
if key not in moving_avg_hooks:
moving_avg_hooks[key] = []
[[m,v], [self.mean_inference, self.variance_inference]])
m = self.mean_inference
v = self.variance_inference
input_hat = (input - m) / v # normalize
y = self.gamma*input_hat + self.beta # scale and shift
if input.ndim > 2:
y = T.reshape(y, output_shape)
return self.nonlinearity(y)
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