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FROM mikesir87/aws-cli as code
RUN wget -O `aws lambda get-function --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME --query 'Code.Location' --output text`
npow /
Created May 5, 2017 01:07 — forked from mrflip/
Elasticsearch Tuning Plan

Next Steps

  • Measure time spend on index, flush, refresh, merge, query, etc. (TD - done)
  • Take hot threads snapshots under read+write, read-only, write-only (TD - done)
  • Adjust refresh time to 10s (from 1s) and see how load changes (TD)
  • Measure time of a rolling restart doing disable_flush and disable_recovery (TD)
  • Specify routing on query -- make it choose same node for each shard each time (MD)
  • GC new generation size (TD)
  • Warmers
  • measure before/after of client query time with and without warmers (MD)
npow /
Last active March 29, 2017 17:41 — forked from bradfordcp/
Converts a WordNet prolog file into a flat file useful for Solr synonym matching.
* Based off of the Lucene prolog parser in the wordnet contrib package within the
* main Lucene project. It has been modified to remove the Lucene bits and generate
* a synonyms.txt file suitable for consumption by Solr. The idea was mentioned in
* a sidebar of the book Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server by Eric Pugh.
* @see <a href="">Lucene Sandbox WordNet page</a>
* @see <a href="">SVN Repository of the WordNet contrib</a>
* @see <a href="">Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server Book</a>
npow /
Created June 24, 2016 21:28 — forked from joech4n/
Get bucket size and object count by first level prefix (i.e. bucket/prefix1, bucket/prefix2)
BUCKETNAME=mybucketname; REGION=us-east-1; for prefix in $(aws s3api list-objects --bucket $BUCKETNAME --delimiter '/' --output text --region $REGION |grep COMMONPREFIX |tail -n+2| awk '{print $2}'); do echo "Totals for $prefix"; aws s3 ls --summarize --human-readable --recursive s3://$BUCKETNAME/$prefix --region $REGION ; done |grep Total
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from theano import ifelse
from .. import init
from .. import nonlinearities
from .base import Layer
//addEventListener polyfill 1.0 / Eirik Backer / MIT Licence
(function(win, doc){
if(win.addEventListener)return; //No need to polyfill
function docHijack(p){var old = doc[p];doc[p] = function(v){return addListen(old(v))}}
function addEvent(on, fn, self){
return (self = this).attachEvent('on' + on, function(e){
var e = e || win.event;
e.preventDefault = e.preventDefault || function(){e.returnValue = false}
e.stopPropagation = e.stopPropagation || function(){e.cancelBubble = true}
npow / rot13.bash
Created August 24, 2011 19:07 — forked from noqqe/rot13.bash
An implementation of rot13 encryption written in pure bash
# Choose your favorite table
# classic
SIGNS=( a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z )
# advanced
#SIGNS=( a b c d f e h g j i l k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z . - ? ! "#" "+" )