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Created December 12, 2017 15:34
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Kotlin definitions for the browser speech synthesis API
package browser
typealias EventHandler<E> = (E) -> Unit
external val speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis
external class SpeechSynthesis : EventTarget {
val paused: Boolean
val pending: Boolean
val speaking: Boolean
fun getVoices(): Array<SpeechSynthesisVoice>
fun cancel()
fun pause()
fun resume()
fun speak(utterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance)
var onvoiceschanged: EventHandler<Event>
external interface SpeechSynthesisVoice {
val voiceURI: String
val name: String
val lang: String
val localService: Boolean
val default: Boolean
external class SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text: String) : EventTarget {
val text: String
val lang: String
val voice: SpeechSynthesisVoice
val volume: Double
val rate: Double
val pitch: Double
var onstart: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
var onend: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
var onerror: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent>
var onpause: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
var onresume: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
var onmark: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
var onboundary: EventHandler<SpeechSynthesisEvent>
external open class SpeechSynthesisEvent : Event {
val utterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance
val charIndex: Long
val elapsedTime: Float
val name: String
external class SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent : SpeechSynthesisEvent {
val error: ErrorCode
typealias ErrorCode = String
val canceled = "canceled"
val interrupted = "interrupted"
val audio_busy = "audio-busy"
val audio_hardware = "audio-hardware"
val network = "network"
val synthesis_unavailable = "synthesis-unavailable"
val synthesis_failed = "synthesis-failed"
val language_unavailable = "language-unavailable"
val voice_unavailable = "voice-unavailable"
val text_too_long = "text-too-long"
val invalid_argument = "invalid-argument"
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