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Created May 27, 2014 16:12
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Generic CRUD for Slick1
package solution
import scala.slick.driver.ExtendedProfile
object DI {
object models {
sealed trait Model { def id: Option[Long] }
case class ModelA(a: String, id: Option[Long] = None) extends Model
case class ModelB(b: String, id: Option[Long] = None) extends Model
trait Profile {
val profile: ExtendedProfile
trait BaseTableComponent { this: Profile =>
import profile.simple._
abstract class BaseTable[T](name: String) extends Table[T](name) {
def id: Column[Long]
def forInsert = * returning id
trait TableComponent { this: BaseTableComponent with Profile =>
import profile.simple._
import models._
class ModelATable extends BaseTable[ModelA]("modelA") {
def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def a = column[String]("a")
def * = a ~ id.? <> (ModelA.apply _, ModelA.unapply _)
class ModelBTable extends BaseTable[ModelB]("modelB") {
def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def b = column[String]("b")
def * = b ~ id.? <> (ModelB.apply _, ModelB.unapply _)
trait CRUDComponent { this: BaseTableComponent with Profile =>
import profile.simple._
import models._
class TableCRUD[M <: Model, T[M] <: BaseTableComponent#BaseTable[M]](t: T[M]) {
lazy val byId = t.createFinderBy(t =>
def insert(entity: M)(implicit session: Session): Long = {
def insertAll1(entities: M*)(implicit session: Session): Seq[Long] = {
def insertAll(entities: Seq[M])(implicit session: Session): Seq[Long] = {
t.forInsert.insertAll(entities: _*)
def findAll(implicit session: Session): Seq[M] = q.list()
def findById(id: Long)(implicit session: Session): Option[M] = byId(id).firstOption
def q = Query(t)
def update(id: Long, entity: M)(implicit session: Session) {
q.where( === id).update(entity)
def delete(id: Long)(implicit session: Session): Int = {
val q1 = q.where( === valueToConstColumn(id)).asInstanceOf[Query[Table[_], _]]
def count(implicit session: Session): Int = Query(q.length).first
class CRUD(val profile: ExtendedProfile)
extends CRUDComponent
with TableComponent with BaseTableComponent with Profile {
val aTable = new ModelATable
val bTable = new ModelBTable
val modelACrud = new TableCRUD(aTable)
val modelBCrud = new TableCRUD(bTable)
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