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Last active December 11, 2015 19:48
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Play JSON example. Parse post json body using the body parser, use implicit format to convert it to case class and then send back json response
package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.json._
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
case class Foo(one: String, two: Int)
//format object used to convert json to case class Foo
implicit val fooFormat: Format[Foo] = Json.format[Foo]
def handleJsonRequest = Action(BodyParsers.parse.json) { request =>
//using the body parser to parse request body to json
val jsonBody: JsValue = request.body
//converting json to case class
val foo : Foo =[Foo]
println(s"case class ${foo}")
//making some modification to case class
val anotherFoo = foo.copy(one = "This is a new value")
//converting back to json
val anotherJson: JsValue = Json.toJson(anotherFoo)
//sending the json response
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