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Last active September 20, 2018 18:30
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A helper scrip to spin up GKE clusters
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This script lives in ~/bin
# It mostly automates the instructions found on, except that creating the bucket and service account has already been done.
# Source the variables since they're private information
source ~/bin/
# Spin up a GKE cluster and get the credentials for kubeconfig
gcloud container clusters create cluster-1 --cluster-version=1.10.7 --disk-size=30 --enable-autorepair --preemptible --no-enable-cloud-logging --no-enable-cloud-monitoring && gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1 --zone us-east4-b --project $PROJECT
# Create a new credentials file if one isn't found.
if [[ ! -f $CREDS_FILE ]]; then
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $CREDS_FILE --iam-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
kubectl apply -f examples/common/00-prereqs.yaml
kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials --namespace $NAMESPACE --from-file cloud=$CREDS_FILE
# TODO: update with BackupStorageLocation
cat examples/gcp/00-ark-config.yaml | sed "s/<YOUR_BUCKET>/$BUCKET/" | kubectl apply -f -
# Only apply the deployment file if -d switch is provided. Otherwise, we'll run Ark locally.
if [[ "$1" == "-d" ]]; then
kubectl apply -f examples/gcp/10-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/gcp/20-restic-daemonset.yaml
cat examples/nginx-app/with-pv.yaml | sed "s/<YOUR_STORAGE_CLASS_NAME>/standard/" | kubectl apply -f -
# When done, I delete the cluster with:
# gcloud container clusters delete cluster-1 --async
# --async can be left off if you want to wait for the cluster to teardown.
# TODO: Script to gather all snapshots and delete them, since those can add up.
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