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Created April 19, 2018 13:20
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(def draft-js js/Draft)
;; or any other mode of import
(def Editor (.-Editor draft-js))
(def EditorState (.-EditorState draft-js))
(def convertToRaw (.-convertToRaw draft-js))
(def convertFromRaw (.-convertFromRaw draft-js))
(defn raw-json
(let [content-state (.getCurrentContent @state)
plain-text (.getPlainText content-state)]
{:style {:height 500}}
(with-out-str (pprint/pprint
(js->clj (convertToRaw content-state))))]
[:div (str plain-text)]]))
(defn on-change
[new-editor-state state]
(reset! state new-editor-state))
(defn core
(let []
{:display-name "core"
:reagent-render (fn []
[:> Editor
{:editorState @state
:onChange (fn [new-editor-state] (on-change new-editor-state state))
(defn composite-editor
(let [state (r/atom (.createEmpty EditorState))]
(fn []
[core state]
[raw-json state]])))
(defn create-with-raw-content
(let [json (.parse js/JSON content)
content-state (convertFromRaw json)
state (.createWithContent EditorState content-state)]
(defn create-from-empty-state
(.createEmpty EditorState))
(def content
"{\n \"entityMap\": {},\n \"blocks\": [\n {\n \"key\": \"5h45l\",\n \"text\": \"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog \",\n \"type\": \"unstyled\",\n \"depth\": 0,\n \"inlineStyleRanges\": [\n {\n \"offset\": 4,\n \"length\": 5,\n \"style\": \"ITALIC\"\n },\n \n {\n \"offset\": 10,\n \"length\": 5,\n \"style\": \"UNDERLINE\"\n },\n {\n \"offset\": 16,\n \"length\": 3,\n \"style\": \"BOLD\"\n }\n ],\n \"entityRanges\": [],\n \"data\": {}\n }\n ]\n}")
(defn composite-editor-raw-content
(let [state (r/atom (create-with-raw-content content))
(fn []
[core state]
[raw-json state]])))
#_[:div ;; <------------- use
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