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Created September 19, 2020 17:33
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(h/load-jspm-native-modules ["react-rnd"])
(def data
(r/atom {:notes [ {:id 1 :content [:div
[:video {:controls true :auto-play false}
[:source {:type "video/mp4"
:src ""}]
"Your browser does not support the video tag."]
{:id 2 :content [ "z-index ordering is up to the developer add your z-index by sorting (data :notes)"]}]
:layout {1 {:x 300 :y 300 :width 300 :height 300}
2 {:x 100 :y 100 :width 300 :height 200}}}))
(defn sort-notes
[data note]
(let [n (filter #( not= note %)(:notes @data))]
(swap! data assoc :notes (conj n note))))
(defn add-note
[data text]
(let [{:keys [notes layout]} @data
id (inc (count notes))]
(swap! data (fn [d]
(-> d
(update-in [:notes] conj {:id id :content [:div (reader/read-string text)]})
(assoc-in [:layout id] {:x 10 :y 10 :width 300 :height 300})
(defn view
(let [new-node-data (atom "")
capture-new-node-data #(reset! new-node-data (-> % .-target .-value))]
(fn []
[ant/input {:placeholder "Add text or hiccup."
:on-change capture-new-node-data}]
[ant/button {:on-click #(add-note data @new-node-data)} "add note"]
{:style {:width 1200 :height 700}}
[idx {:keys [content id] :as note}]
[:> js/reactRnd.Rnd
{:class-name "bg-gray-200 border overflow-hidden container hover:shadow-lg hover:bg-gray-300"
:bounds "parent"
:z? idx
:default (get-in @data [:layout id] )
:on-drag (fn [e] #_(js/console.log id " -- " e ))
:on-drag-start (fn [e]
(js/console.log note)
(js/console.log (sort-notes data note))
[ "----" ]
[:div.flex.flex-col content]]]])
(@data :notes))
[:a.underline {:href ""
:target "_blank"} "react-rnd"]
[:div "note this lib seems to conflict with prosemirror's focus. Prosemirror seems to lose focus when this is added here."]]
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nrfm commented Sep 19, 2020

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