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Last active October 12, 2022 08:07
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st_set_varlabs <- function(data,
dict = ITEMDESC,
view = modul,
keeps = PAGE_TABLE,
label = ITEM_LABEL) {
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
dict <- dict %>%
filter({{keeps}} == view) %>%
mutate({{name}} := stringr::str_to_upper({{name}})) %>%
select({{name}}, {{label}}) %>%
distinct() %>%
arrange({{name}}) %>%
temp <- dict %>%
filter({{name}} %in% colnames(data))
vars <- pull(temp, {{name}})
labs <- pull(temp, {{label}})
length.diff <- ncol(data) - length(labs)
vars.all <- colnames(data)
vars.first <- c("PATIENT_ID", "VISITNAME", "VISIT_LABEL")
labs <- c(labs, rep("", length.diff))
data %>%
relocate(any_of(vars)) %>%
labelled::set_variable_labels(.labels = labs) %>%
relocate(any_of(vars.all)) %>%
relocate(any_of(vars.first)) %>%
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