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Created August 24, 2014 20:26
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Roller-blind Cog Design
$fn = 100;
ballDiameter = 4.4;
ropeDiameter = 7.5;
numBalls = 12;
circumference = numBalls * (ballDiameter + ropeDiameter);
diameter = circumference / PI;
ballRadius = ballDiameter / 2;
outerHeight = 1;
innerHeight = ballDiameter - (outerHeight / 2) * 2;
innerRadius = diameter / 2 - ballRadius;
outerRadius = innerRadius + ballDiameter;
spokeRadius = ballRadius * 1.75;
spokeHeight = innerHeight * 2 + outerHeight * 4;
spokeOffset = innerRadius + spokeRadius;
totalHeight = innerHeight + outerHeight * 2;
shaftHoleRadius = 2.7;
shaftHoleDiameter = shaftHoleRadius * 2;
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(h=outerHeight, r=outerRadius);
translate([0, 0, outerHeight]) difference() {
cylinder(h=innerHeight, r=innerRadius);
translate([-innerRadius * 2 / 3, 0, innerHeight / 2]) cylinder(h=2 * innerHeight / 2, r=3);
translate([innerRadius * 2 / 3, 0, innerHeight / 2]) cylinder(h=2 * innerHeight / 2, r=3);
translate([0, 0, outerHeight]) {
translate([-innerRadius * 2 / 3, 0, innerHeight / 2 + 0.4]) cylinder(h=innerHeight / 2, r=2.75);
translate([innerRadius * 2 / 3, 0, innerHeight / 2 + 0.4]) cylinder(h=innerHeight / 2, r=2.75);
translate([0, 0, outerHeight + innerHeight]) cylinder(h=outerHeight, r=outerRadius);
for (i = [0 : (360 / numBalls) : 360]) {
translate([0, 0, -spokeHeight / 3]) {
translate([spokeOffset * cos(i), spokeOffset * sin(i), 0]) cylinder(h=spokeHeight, r=spokeRadius);
difference() {
translate([0, 0, -totalHeight / 2]) cylinder(h=totalHeight * 2, r=shaftHoleRadius);
translate([-shaftHoleDiameter / 2 + (shaftHoleDiameter * (4.6/5)), -shaftHoleDiameter / 2, -totalHeight / 3 * 2]) cube([shaftHoleDiameter, shaftHoleDiameter, totalHeight * 3]);
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