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Created March 21, 2018 11:01
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TypeScript: usage example of custom serializer/deserializer with serializr module
// WARNING - only an excerpt of real implemenation
* the exported blFactory constant is the factory to be used with this application to create new
* instanced of types/classes. The factory creates these instances and automatically resolves all the dependencies.
import { Container, interfaces } from "inversify";
import * as serializr from "serializr";
import { PrismModel } from "./easy3d/geometry/PrismModel";
export {
class BLFactory implements IBLFactory {
// Singletons
private _diContainer: Container;
public constructor() {
this._diContainer = this.configureDIContainer(new Container());
* returns an instance for the provided symbol. It depends on the configuration of the dependency injection
* system for this type, whether it is a new instance or a singleton instance is re-used.
* @param {string | symbol | interfaces.ServiceIdentifier<T>} typeName
* @param {JSONType} constructorParameters
* The values of the provided parameter object is added to the DI container prior to creating the new instance.
* Afterwards these values are removed from the container.
* @returns {T}
public create<T>(
typeName: string | symbol | interfaces.ServiceIdentifier<T>,
constructorParameters?: { [propName: string]: any },
): T {
const di: Container = this.getDIContainer();
let temporaryDI = di;
// bind the provided parameters to the container
if (constructorParameters !== undefined && constructorParameters !== null
&& typeof constructorParameters === "object"
) {
// create temporary DI container
temporaryDI = di.createChild();
// bind parameters
Object.keys(constructorParameters).forEach((key: string) => {
const value = constructorParameters[key];
if (temporaryDI.isBoundNamed(DITYPES.CArg, key)) {
logger.debug("Overriding existing contructor argument binding for key: " + key);
return this.createFromContainer(temporaryDI, typeName);
* configures the provided dependency injection container to know what classes to use
* for each symbol.
* @param {Container} diContainer
* @returns {Container} the configured container
public configureDIContainer(diContainer: Container): Container {
if (diContainer !== undefined && diContainer !== null && typeof diContainer.bind === "function") {
this.bindTo<ProjectModel>(diContainer, "ProjectModel", ProjectModel)
this.bindTo<PrismModel>(diContainer, "PrismModel", PrismModel)
return diContainer;
* helper function to bind and add "serializr" factory functions if applicable.
* For serializr we create a new factory function that will call this container to actually create the instance
* needed.
* @param {Container} diContainer
* @param {string} serializedClassName the name used to find the service identifier from DITYPES and to use
* with serialized data to find the proper schema for deserialization
* @param {any} constructor
* @returns {interfaces.BindingToSyntax<T>}
public bindTo<T extends object>(
diContainer: Container,
serializedClassName: string,
constructor: { new (...args: any[]): T; },
): interfaces.BindingInWhenOnSyntax<T> {
if (diContainer !== undefined && diContainer !== null && typeof diContainer.bind === "function") {
const serviceIdentifier: interfaces.ServiceIdentifier<T> = DITYPES[serializedClassName];
if (!serviceIdentifier) {
throw RangeError("No DITYPE for SerializedClassName: " + serializedClassName);
// add factory functions to use the BLFactory to create the instances
// see:
// check if this class has a serializr schema available. If so, then change the factory function.
const modelSchema: serializr.ModelSchema<T> = serializr.getDefaultModelSchema(constructor);
if (modelSchema !== undefined && modelSchema !== null) {
modelSchema.factory = ((originalFactory: serializr.Factory<T>): serializr.Factory<T> => {
return (context: serializr.Context): T => {
let obj: T;
// try to use the DI container
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
try {
obj = blFactory.create<T>(serviceIdentifier);
} catch (e) { /* */ }
// create an empty instance with original factory function.
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
try {
obj = originalFactory(context);
} catch (e) { /* */ }
// create an empty instance with class constructor
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
try {
obj = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor));
} catch (e) { /* */ }
return obj as T;
// if there is a model schema, remember the service identifier name
// tslint:disable:no-string-literal
constructor["serializedClassName"] = serializedClassName;
return diContainer.bind(serviceIdentifier).to(constructor);
return undefined;
const blFactory = new BLFactory();
export default blFactory;
* @class IModelSerializer
* @classdesc
* instances of this serializer provide functions to serialize or deserialize/re-compose model classes.
import { Context, SerializeContext } from "serializr";
export interface SerializedData {
data: any;
schemaName: string;
export interface SerializedDataReference {
id: string;
schemaName: string;
export type TSerializedData = SerializedData | SerializedDataReference;
export interface IModelSerializer {
serialize(objectToSerialize: object[], context?: SerializeContext): TSerializedData[];
serialize(objectToSerialize: object, context?: SerializeContext): TSerializedData;
serialize(dataToSerialize: boolean): boolean;
serialize(dataToSerialize: boolean[]): boolean[];
serialize(dataToSerialize: number): number;
serialize(dataToSerialize: number[]): number[];
serialize(dataToSerialize: string): string;
serialize(dataToSerialize: string[]): string[];
serialize(dataToSerialize: null): null;
serialize(dataToSerialize: null[]): null[];
serialize(dataToSerialize: undefined): undefined;
serialize(dataToSerialize: undefined[]): undefined[];
deserialize<T>(serializedData: TSerializedData, context?: Context): T;
deserialize<T>(serializedData: TSerializedData[], context?: Context): T[];
deserialize(serializedData: boolean): boolean;
deserialize(serializedData: boolean[]): boolean[];
deserialize(serializedData: number): number;
deserialize(serializedData: number[]): number[];
deserialize(serializedData: string): string;
deserialize(serializedData: string[]): string[];
deserialize(serializedData: null): null;
deserialize(serializedData: null[]): null[];
deserialize(serializedData: undefined): undefined;
deserialize(serializedData: undefined[]): undefined[];
* @class ModelSerializer
* @classdesc
* instances of this serializer provide functions to serialize or deserialize/re-compose model classes.
import { injectable, interfaces } from "inversify";
import {
} from "serializr";
import { BLFactoryDependent } from "../../BLFactoryDependent";
import { DITYPES } from "../../DITypes";
import {
} from "./IModelSerializer";
export class ModelSerializer extends BLFactoryDependent implements IModelSerializer {
public serialize(objectToSerialize: object[], context: SerializeContext): TSerializedData[];
public serialize(objectToSerialize: object, context: SerializeContext): TSerializedData;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: boolean): boolean;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: boolean[]): boolean[];
public serialize(dataToSerialize: number): number;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: number[]): number[];
public serialize(dataToSerialize: string): string;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: string[]): string[];
public serialize(dataToSerialize: null): null;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: null[]): null[];
public serialize(dataToSerialize: undefined): undefined;
public serialize(dataToSerialize: undefined[]): undefined[];
public serialize(objectToSerialize, context?: SerializeContext): any {
if (objectToSerialize === undefined || objectToSerialize === null
|| (typeof objectToSerialize !== "object" && typeof objectToSerialize !== "function")
) {
return objectToSerialize;
} else if (objectToSerialize instanceof Array) {
// serialize array as array of serialized data
return (objectToSerialize as any[]).map((item: any) => this.serialize(item, context));
let serializedData;
// tslint:disable:no-string-literal
const className = objectToSerialize.constructor["serializedClassName"] ||;
const modelSchema = getDefaultModelSchema(objectToSerialize as any);
if (modelSchema) {
// has this object been serialized before? in that case, store only an ID in order to maintain references
const temp = context && context.rootContext as any || undefined;
const identifierProperty = temp && getIdentifierProperty(getDefaultModelSchema(objectToSerialize as any));
if (identifierProperty
&& temp && temp.alreadySerialized && Array.isArray(temp.alreadySerialized)
&& temp.alreadySerialized.filter((serializedItem: object): boolean =>
serializedItem && serializedItem[identifierProperty] === objectToSerialize[identifierProperty],
).length > 0
) {
return {
id: objectToSerialize[identifierProperty],
schemaName: className,
// no - the data has not yet been serialized
serializedData = serialize(modelSchema, objectToSerialize);
// save the serialized data for later referencing
if (temp && serializedData) {
temp.alreadySerialized = temp.alreadySerialized || [];
} else {
// try JSON serialization instead
serializedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(objectToSerialize));
return {
data: serializedData,
schemaName: className,
public deserialize<T>(serializedData: TSerializedData, context?: Context): T;
public deserialize<T>(serializedData: TSerializedData[], context?: Context): T[];
public deserialize(serializedData: boolean): boolean;
public deserialize(serializedData: boolean[]): boolean[];
public deserialize(serializedData: number): number;
public deserialize(serializedData: number[]): number[];
public deserialize(serializedData: string): string;
public deserialize(serializedData: string[]): string[];
public deserialize(serializedData: null): null;
public deserialize(serializedData: null[]): null[];
public deserialize(serializedData: undefined): undefined;
public deserialize(serializedData: undefined[]): undefined[];
public deserialize<T>(data, context?: Context): any {
const globalRoot = window || global;
if (data === undefined || data === null || typeof data !== "object") {
return data;
} else if (data instanceof Array) {
// deserialize array as array of serialized data
return => this.deserialize(item, context));
} else if (
typeof data.schemaName !== "string" || !data.schemaName
|| (!DITYPES[data.schemaName] && !globalRoot[data.schemaName])
) {
// invalid serialized data - no such class or schema name
return ( !== undefined) ? : (
( !== undefined) ? : data
// let's see, whether the ID was previously resolved
const temp = context && context.rootContext as any || undefined;
if ( && temp && temp.alreadyDeserialized && temp.alreadyDeserialized[data.schemaName + "_" +]) {
return temp.alreadyDeserialized[data.schemaName + "_" +];
const blFactory = this.getBLFactory();
// detect the model schema - if there is one
let modelSchema;
let clazz;
if (DITYPES[data.schemaName]) {
try {
// dirty to access the internal dictionary but there is no other way at the moment.
const bindings = (
(blFactory.getDIContainer() as any)._bindingDictionary as interfaces.Lookup<interfaces.Binding<any>>
clazz = bindings && bindings.length > 0 && bindings[0].implementationType || undefined;
modelSchema = getDefaultModelSchema(clazz as any);
} catch (e) {
let resolvedEntity;
if (modelSchema && context && {
// use the ID to find the previously serialized entity. Use serializr default reference resolver
// tslint:disable:max-classes-per-file
const temporarySchema = createModelSchema(function TemporarySchema() { /* */ } as any, {
id: reference(
(uuid: string, callback: (error: Error, value: any) => void, lookupContext?: Context) => {
(lookupContext.rootContext as any).await(modelSchema, uuid, callback);
const resolvedTempEntity = deserializeObjectWithSchema(context, temporarySchema, data) as {id: T};
// save the serialized data for later referencing
if (temp && resolvedTempEntity && {
temp.alreadyDeserialized = temp.alreadyDeserialized || [];
temp.alreadyDeserialized[data.schemaName + "_" +] =;
resolvedEntity = resolvedTempEntity &&;
} else if ( === undefined || === null) {
// no serialized data
} else if (modelSchema) {
resolvedEntity = deserializeObjectWithSchema(context, modelSchema, as any as T;
} else if (globalRoot[data.schemaName] && typeof globalRoot[data.schemaName] === "function") {
// try JSON deserialization as alternative and last resort
resolvedEntity = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(globalRoot[data.schemaName]));
for (const propName of {
resolvedEntity[propName] =[propName];
} else {
// create a copy of the JSON data
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
// because the object might be created without the DI, check for some most important dependency
// setters.
// tslint:disable:no-string-literal
if (resolvedEntity !== undefined && resolvedEntity !== null
&& typeof resolvedEntity["setBLFactory"] === "function"
) {
if (resolvedEntity !== undefined && resolvedEntity !== null
&& typeof resolvedEntity["setEasy3DFactory"] === "function"
) {
if (resolvedEntity !== undefined && resolvedEntity !== null
&& typeof resolvedEntity["setExecutionModelFactory"] === "function"
) {
// tslint:enable:no-string-literal
return resolvedEntity;
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nros commented Mar 21, 2018

This is an example for mobxjs/serializr#67

  • To make the custom de-serializer function work, there must be a central place to keep information about all available classes. In this case dependency injector is used, using inversify.
  • the basic idea is, to add the class name and the ID of the class to the serialized content and then perform a lookup to the DI when deserializing takes place.
  • since the class name usually is crippled with compression and obfuscation utilities, a symbolic class name is used instead, stored with the prototype of that class and with the DI container (in this case the map DITYPES).
     constructor["serializedClassName"] = serializedClassName;
    There is no need to use the "real" class name. On contrary, it is useful to use a symbolic name instead. In case a new, compatible implementation of that class replaces the previous one, you must not change the class name in with this information. Otherwise you loose the ability to de-serialize legacy classes.

This implementation has some draw backs:

  • it does not yet handle migration to new class implementation very well. It just ignores it :)
  • a central lookup table for class names is needed. In this case the DI container with its lookup table.

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