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Created March 30, 2012 19:32
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Mandelbrot set fractal rendering in text mode
def draw_fractal(n_columns=40, n_rows=20,
min_real=-1.5, min_imag=-1.0, max_real=1.0, max_imag=1.0,
max_iterations=200, render_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw '):
This renders a Mandelbrot set fractal in text mode.
def draw_fractal(n_columns=80, n_rows=40,
min_real=-1.0, min_imag=-1.0, max_real=1.0, max_imag=1.0,
max_iterations=200, render_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw ')
n_columns = Integer. number of text columns
n_rows = Integer. number of rows
((min_real,min_imag),(max_real,max_imag)) = Floats. these parameters designate the rendering window
on the complex plane.
max_iterations = Integer. how many iterations each point is allowed to run.
render_chars = String. The characters used to represent the escape iterations for each point.
m_mapping = dict(zip(range(len(render_chars)), render_chars))
def dist(z):
return (z*z.conjugate()).real
fractal = []
for y in range(n_rows):
imag = (max_imag-min_imag)*y/float(n_rows) + min_imag
for x in range(n_columns):
real = (max_real-min_real)*x/float(n_columns) + min_real
c = complex(real,imag)
z = 0j
for escape in range(max_iterations):
z = z*z + c
if dist(z) > 1:
for line in fractal:
new_line = map(lambda x: x/((max_iterations/len(m_mapping))+1), line)
print ''.join([m_mapping[val] for val in new_line])
if __name__=="__main__":
from random import randint
# All Defaults
print '\nAll Defaults:\n'
# Try an alternate character set
random_string = ''.join([chr(randint(ord(' '), ord('~'))) for i in range(randint(5,15))])
print '\nRandom character set "%s":\n' % random_string
draw_fractal(render_chars=random_string, n_columns=80, n_rows=30)
# Zoom in to something interesting
# Try these:
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = 0.26, 0.27, 0.0, 0.01
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.76, -0.74, 0.01, 0.03
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -1.26, -1.24, 0.01, 0.03
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -1.0, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25
min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.8, -0.7, 0.0, 0.25
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.75, -0.7, 0.1, 0.25
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.75, -0.7, 0.2, 0.25
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.74, -0.72, 0.23, 0.25
# min_real,max_real,min_imag,max_imag = -0.735, -0.73, 0.237, 0.24
print '\nZoomed into %s-%s:\n' % (complex(min_real, min_imag), complex(max_real, max_imag))
draw_fractal(min_real=min_real, max_real=max_real, min_imag=min_imag, max_imag=max_imag, max_iterations=400)
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