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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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# Create a program that prints out every line to the song "99 bottles of beer on the wall." This should be a pretty simple
# program, so to make it a bit harder, here are some rules to follow.
# If you are going to use a list for all of the numbers, do not manually type them all in. Instead, use a built in function.
# Besides the phrase "take one down," you may not type in any numbers/names of numbers directly into your song lyrics.
# Remember, when you reach 1 bottle left, the word "bottles" becomes singular.
def amount_of_beer_in_words(bottles):
if bottles == 1:
noun = "bottle"
noun = "bottles"
return "%d %s of beer" % (bottles, noun)
bottles_of_beer = 99
while bottles_of_beer > 0:
print "{b} on the wall, {b}.".format(b=amount_of_beer_in_words(bottles_of_beer)),
bottles_of_beer = bottles_of_beer - 1
print "Take one down, pass it around, {b} on the wall.".format(b=amount_of_beer_in_words(bottles_of_beer))
print ""
# You must make a rock paper scissors game
# Goal
# Ask the player if they pick rock paper or scissors
# Have the computer chose its move
# Compare the choices and decide who wins
# Print the results
# Subgoals
# Let the player play again
# Keep a record of the score e.g. (Player: 3 / Computer: 6)
import random
choices = ('rock', 'paper', 'scissors')
what_beats = {choices[i]: choices[(i+1)%len(choices)] for i in range(len(choices))}
score = {'computer': 0, 'player': 0}
while score['computer'] < 10 and score['player'] < 10:
while True:
player_choice = raw_input('rock, paper, or scissors? ')
if player_choice not in choices:
print "You didn't choose a valid option."
computer_choice = random.choice(choices)
print "Computer chose %s." % computer_choice
if what_beats[player_choice] == computer_choice:
print "Computer wins, %s beats %s!" % (computer_choice, player_choice)
score['computer'] += 1
elif what_beats[computer_choice] == player_choice:
print "Player wins, %s beats %s!" % (player_choice, computer_choice)
score['player'] += 1
print "No one won!"
print "Score is now Computer: %d, Player: %d" % (score['computer'], score['player'])
print "Game over! ",
if score['computer'] > score['player']:
print "Computer is the ultimate winner!"
elif score['player'] > score['computer']:
print "You are the ultimate winner!"
print "A tie!"
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