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Last active November 30, 2019 06:20
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Save nrrb/6924646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
185 byte x86 assembly code to create a stereogram of text.
; SIRDS Piece Of Shiite
; by danslemur (
; for EFnet #asm compo 7 - Make a 256 byte intro for 386/486 class PC's
; I got bored and didn't fill in the whole 256 bytes. It's 185 bytes now. Eh!
; Thanks to:
; - Razzia for his helpful size optimization post on,
; - matja for showing me a better way to write a 4x4 block to the buffer,
; - Consub/CSB for the source to his Chaos demo which I borrowed the pseudo-
; random routine from c/o Assembly Gems
; - Gareth Richards' old FAQ on SIRDS, from which I adapted an algorithm for
; ASCII text stereograms for graphics.
; (
; - the rest of you crazy #asm kids
; initial assumed conditions:
; ds = cs
; es = cs
; sp = FFFEh
; DEPTH0 has to be even for pseudorandom number generator
%define DEPTH0 16
%define SX 16
%define SY 8
%define SPACE 24
org 100h
mov fs, sp ; move sp = FFFEh in to fs (seed for "random" #)
mov al, 13h
int 10h
; 10 bytes - clearing buffer
pop di
mov cx, 64000 ; 3 bytes
xor ax, ax ; 2 bytes
rep stosb ; 2 bytes
; drawing text to buffer
; assume
; ds = cs
mov ax, 1130h
mov bh, 6 ; 8x16 character set
int 10h
mov di, BUFFER + SY*320 + SX
mov eax, 01010101h ; 01 - height of text
xor bx, bx
mov dh, 16 ; height of character
movzx si, [blah+bx]
shl si, 4 ; multiply si by number of bytes in char (16)
mov dl, 10000000b ; 8 columns per character
test [es:bp+si], dl
jz nopixel
; 15 bytes:
push di ; thanks to matja - i'm an idiot
mov cx, 4
mov [ds:di], eax
add di, 320
loop l1
pop di
add di, 4 ; location in buffer
shr dl, 1 ; location in character definition
jnz col
inc si
add di, 4*(320-8) ; 8 = width of character
dec dh
jnz row
; sub di, 20448-SPACE ; 4*(16-1)*320 + 4*(8-1) + 4*(320-8) - 4*(8-1) - 28(spacing)
sub di, 10208 - SPACE
inc bx
cmp bl, 5 ; length of string
jnae letter
push 0a000h
pop es
xor di, di
xor bx, bx ; zero out the x-coordinate counter
; assume:
; fs = SEED
; es = 0a000h
; di = 0
; bx = 0
push di
mov ax, fs
mov dl, 13
mul dx
xchg ah, al
mov fs, ax
inc bx
inc bx
cmp bl, DEPTH0
jnz iloop1
pop di
; stereogram algorithm
; assume:
; ds = cs
; variables previously set up:
; es = 0a000h
; bx = x coordinate
; di = y coordinate * 320
lea si, [di + bx - DEPTH0]
movzx ax, [ds:si + BUFFER]
add si, ax ; assumes ah is 0
es lodsb ; we can do this because si is cleared in next step
lea si, [di + bx]
mov [es:si], al
; 7 bytes - steregram loop counter
inc bx
cmp bx, 320
jnz iloop2
; 8 bytes - line loop counter
; assume:
; bx = 320
add di, bx ; instead of add di, 320
cmp di, 64000
jnz loop1
xor di, di
mov cx, 64000
mov al, [es:di]
dec al
loop pixel1
mov ah, 1
int 16h
jz smunkpite1
mov ax, 03h ; I keep this in because I'm nice
int 10h
blah db "SIRDS"
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