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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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"Country/Territory": "Albania",
"Contestant": "Zhaneta Byberi",
"Age": 19,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Tirana",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Angola",
"Contestant": "Zuleica Wilson",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Cabinda",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Argentina",
"Contestant": "Valentina Ferrer",
"Age": 23,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Córdoba",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Aruba",
"Contestant": "Digene Zimmerman",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Oranjestad",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Australia",
"Contestant": "Tegan Martin",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Newcastle",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Austria",
"Contestant": "Julia Furdea",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Linz",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Bahamas",
"Contestant": "Tomii Culmer",
"Age": 23,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Freeport",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Belgium",
"Contestant": "Anissa Blondin",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Brussels",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Bolivia",
"Contestant": "Claudia Tavel",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Santa Cruz",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Brazil",
"Contestant": "Melissa Gurgel",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'5\"",
"Hometown": "Fortaleza",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "British Virgin Islands",
"Contestant": "Jaynene Jno Lewis",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Tortola",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Bulgaria",
"Contestant": "Kristina Georgieva",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Sofia",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Canada",
"Contestant": "Chanel Beckenlehner",
"Age": 26,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Caledon",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Chile",
"Contestant": "Hellen Marlene Toncio",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Rancagua",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "China",
"Contestant": "Yanliang Hu",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Beijing",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Colombia",
"Contestant": "Paulina Vega",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Barranquilla",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Costa Rica",
"Contestant": "Karina Ramos",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "San José",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Croatia",
"Contestant": "Ivana Mišura",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Zagreb",
"Closeup URL": "šura.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Curaçao",
"Contestant": "Laurien Angelista",
"Age": 27,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Willemstad",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Czech Republic",
"Contestant": "Gabriela Franková",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Brno",
"Closeup URL": "á.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Dominican Republic",
"Contestant": "Kimberly Castillo",
"Age": 26,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Higüey",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Ecuador",
"Contestant": "Alejandra Argudo",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Portoviejo",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Egypt",
"Contestant": "Lara Debbane",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Cairo",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "El Salvador",
"Contestant": "Patricia Murillo",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Juayúa",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Ethiopia",
"Contestant": "Hiwot Mamo",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Addis Ababa",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Finland",
"Contestant": "Bea Toivonen",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Kerava",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "France",
"Contestant": "Camille Cerf",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Coulogne",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Gabon",
"Contestant": "Maggaly Ornellia Nguema",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Libreville",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Georgia",
"Contestant": "Ana Zubashvili",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Tbilisi",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Germany",
"Contestant": "Josefin Donat",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Leipzig",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Ghana",
"Contestant": "Abena Appiah",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Accra",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Great Britain",
"Contestant": "Grace Levy",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "London",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Greece",
"Contestant": "Ismini Dafopoulou",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Athens",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Guam",
"Contestant": "Brittany Bell",
"Age": 27,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Barrigada",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Guatemala",
"Contestant": "Ana Montúfar Urrutia",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Guatemala City",
"Closeup URL": "úfar-Urrutia.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Guyana",
"Contestant": "Niketa Barker",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Georgetown",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Haiti",
"Contestant": "Christie Desir",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Port-Au-Prince",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Honduras",
"Contestant": "Gabriela Ordoñez",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Comayagua",
"Closeup URL": "ñez.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Hungary",
"Contestant": "Henrietta Kalemen",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Budapest",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "India",
"Contestant": "Noyonita Lodh",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Bangalore",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Indonesia",
"Contestant": "Elvira Devinamira",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Surabaya",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Ireland",
"Contestant": "Lisa Madden",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Cork",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Israel",
"Contestant": "Doron Matalon",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Beit Aryeh-Ofarim",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Italy",
"Contestant": "Valentina Bonariva",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Solaro",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Jamaica",
"Contestant": "Kaci Fennell",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Kingston",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Japan",
"Contestant": "Keiko Tsuji",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Nagasaki",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Kazakhstan",
"Contestant": "Aiday Issayeva",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Almaty",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Kenya",
"Contestant": "Gaylyne Ayugi",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Nairobi",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Korea",
"Contestant": "Ye Bin Yoo",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Daegu",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Kosovo",
"Contestant": "Artnesa Krasniqi",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Gjakova",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Lebanon",
"Contestant": "Saly Greige",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "El Koura",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Lithuania",
"Contestant": "Patricija Belousova",
"Age": 19,
"Height": "5'5\"",
"Hometown": "Vilnius",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Malaysia",
"Contestant": "Sabrina Beneett",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Subang Jaya",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Mauritius",
"Contestant": "Pallavi Gungaram",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Vacoas-Phoenix",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Mexico",
"Contestant": "Josselyn Garciglia",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "La Paz",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Myanmar",
"Contestant": "Sharr Htut Eaindra",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Yangon",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Netherlands",
"Contestant": "Yasmin Verheijen",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Amsterdam",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "New Zealand",
"Contestant": "Rachel Millns",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Wellington",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Nicaragua",
"Contestant": "Marline Barberena",
"Age": 27,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Chichigalpa",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Nigeria",
"Contestant": "Queen Celestine",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Lagos",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Norway",
"Contestant": "Elise Dalby",
"Age": 19,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Hamar",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Panama",
"Contestant": "Yomatzy Hazlewood",
"Age": 23,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Panama City",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Paraguay",
"Contestant": "Sally Jara Dávalos",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "San Lorenzo",
"Closeup URL": "ávalos.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Peru",
"Contestant": "Jimena Espinoza Vecco",
"Age": 26,
"Height": "6'0\"",
"Hometown": "Lima",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Philippines",
"Contestant": "Mary Jean Lastimosa",
"Age": 27,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Tulunan",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Poland",
"Contestant": "Marcela Chmielowska",
"Age": 23,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Warsaw",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Portugal",
"Contestant": "Patrícia Da Silva",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Espinho",
"Closeup URL": "ícia-Da-Silva.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Puerto Rico",
"Contestant": "Gabriela Berrios",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Toa Alta",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Russia",
"Contestant": "Yulia Alipova",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Moscow",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Serbia",
"Contestant": "Andjelka Tomašević",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Belgrade",
"Closeup URL": "šević.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Singapore",
"Contestant": "Rathi Menon",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Singapore",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Slovak Republic",
"Contestant": "Silvia Prochádzková",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Bratislava",
"Closeup URL": "ádzková.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Slovenia",
"Contestant": "Urška Bračko",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Maribor",
"Closeup URL": "ška-Bračko.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "South Africa",
"Contestant": "Ziphozakhe Zokufa",
"Age": 22,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Eastern Cape",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Spain",
"Contestant": "Desirée Cordero",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Seville",
"Closeup URL": "ée-Cordero.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Sri Lanka",
"Contestant": "Avanti Marianne",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Colombo",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "St. Lucia",
"Contestant": "Roxanne Didier-Nicholas",
"Age": 23,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Castries",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Sweden",
"Contestant": "Camilla Hansson",
"Age": 26,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Stockholm",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Switzerland",
"Contestant": "Zoé Metthez",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Neuchâtel",
"Closeup URL": "é-Metthez.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Tanzania",
"Contestant": "Nale Boniface",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'6\"",
"Hometown": "Dodoma",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Thailand",
"Contestant": "Pimbongkod Chankaew",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'11\"",
"Hometown": "Bangkok",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Trinidad & Tobago",
"Contestant": "Jevon King",
"Age": 25,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Diego Martin",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Turkey",
"Contestant": "Dilan Çiçek Deniz",
"Age": 19,
"Height": "5'10\"",
"Hometown": "Sivas",
"Closeup URL": "Çiçek-Deniz.jpg"
"Country/Territory": "Turks & Caicos",
"Contestant": "Shanice Williams",
"Age": 21,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Grand Turk Island",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Ukraine",
"Contestant": "Diana Harkusha",
"Age": 20,
"Height": "5'9\"",
"Hometown": "Kharkiv",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Uruguay",
"Contestant": "Johana Riva Garabetian",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Montevideo",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "USA",
"Contestant": "Nia Sanchez",
"Age": 24,
"Height": "5'8\"",
"Hometown": "Las Vegas",
"Closeup URL": ""
"Country/Territory": "Venezuela",
"Contestant": "Migbelis Lynette Castellanos",
"Age": 19,
"Height": "5'7\"",
"Hometown": "Cabimas",
"Closeup URL": ""
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