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Created September 3, 2021 14:29
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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterable, Iterator
MACRO_NAME = "marunum"
MACRO_TEMPLATE = """\\newcommand{{\\{}}}[1]{{%
def marunum_unicodes() -> Iterator[int]:
yield ord('⓪')
for c in range(ord('①'), ord('⑳')+1):
yield c
for c in range(ord('㉑'), ord('㉟')+1):
yield c
for c in range(ord('㊱'), ord('㊿')+1):
yield c
def utf_macro(code_point: int) -> str:
return f"\\UTF{{{code_point:04X}}}"
def wrapped(it: Iterable[str], size: int) -> Iterator[str]:
for cnt, s in enumerate(it, 1):
if cnt % size == 0:
yield s + "%\n"
yield s
if __name__ == "__main__":
utf_macros = map(utf_macro, marunum_unicodes())
inner = "\\or".join(wrapped(utf_macros, 6))
print(MACRO_TEMPLATE.format(MACRO_NAME, inner))
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