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Created March 30, 2023 03:05
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propositional logic parser using Parsec
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token
data Formula = Or Formula Formula
| And Formula Formula
| Impl Formula Formula
| Iff Formula Formula
| Not Formula
| Var String
| Verdad
| Mentira
deriving (Eq, Show)
lexer = Token.makeTokenParser emptyDef
{ Token.identStart = letter
, Token.identLetter = alphaNum
, Token.reservedOpNames = ["<->", "->", "|", "&", "!"]
, Token.reservedNames = [ "Posta", "Chamuyo" ]
identifier = Token.identifier lexer
keyword = Token.reserved lexer
op = Token.reservedOp lexer
roundBrackets = Token.parens lexer
whiteSpace = Token.whiteSpace lexer
formulaParser = whiteSpace >> formula
formula = conFormula <|> formulaTerm
formulaTerm = roundBrackets formula <|> laPosta <|> elChamuyo <|> unaVariable
conFormula = buildExpressionParser
[ [prefix "!" Not]
, [binary "<->" (Iff) AssocLeft, binary "->" (Impl) AssocLeft]
, [binary "|" (Or) AssocLeft, binary "&" (And) AssocLeft]
prefix name f = Prefix $ op name >> return f
postfix name f = Postfix $ op name >> return f
binary name f assoc = Infix (op name >> return f) assoc
laPosta = keyword "Posta" >> return Verdad
elChamuyo = keyword "Chamuyo" >> return Mentira
unaVariable = Var <$> identifier
calcular s =
case ret of
Left e -> "Error: " ++ (show e)
Right n -> "Interpreted as: " ++ (show n)
ret = parse formulaParser "" s
main = do
contents <- getContents
mapM (putStrLn . calcular) $ lines contents
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