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Last active May 22, 2022 20:35
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#===== auto use colored hightlighting aliases
if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors)
alias ls='ls -hF --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=always'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=always'
alias egrep='egrep --color=always'
#===== @angular/cli aliases
alias ngup="ng update"
alias ngupf="ng update --force"
alias ngupng="ng update @angular/core @angular/cli @angular/material @angular/cdk"
alias ngupngf="ng update @angular/core @angular/cli @angular/material @angular/cdk --force"
alias ngl="ng lint"
alias nglf="ng lint --fix"
#===== @angular/cli test aliases
alias ngt="ng test"
alias ngtv="ng test --verbose"
alias ngtd="ng test --detect-open-handles"
alias ngtdv="ng test --detect-open-handles --verbose"
alias ngts="ng test --run-in-band"
alias ngtsv="ng test --run-in-band --verbose"
alias ngtsd="ng test --run-in-band --detect-open-handles"
alias ngtsdv="ng test --run-in-band --detect-open-handles --verbose"
alias ngtsw="ng test --run-in-band --watch"
alias ngtswv="ng test --run-in-band --watch --verbose"
alias ngtswd="ng test --run-in-band --watch --detect-open-handles"
alias ngtswdv="ng test --run-in-band --watch --detect-open-handles --verbose"
alias ngtw="ng test --watch"
alias ngtwv="ng test --watch --verbose"
alias ngtwd="ng test --watch --detect-open-handles"
alias ngtwdv="ng test --watch --detect-open-handles --verbose"
#===== aws
# alias arst='source $(echo 'default' |'
alias ars='source'
alias asd='gimme-aws-creds -p dev'
alias awsc='gimme-aws-creds'
#===== config aliases
alias editalias="code ~/.aliases"
alias editgit="code ~/.gitconfig"
alias editnpm="code ~/.npmrc"
alias editzsh="code ~/.zshrc"
alias rsrc="source ~/.zshrc"
#===== docker aliases
alias dkcon="docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f"
alias dkim="docker image ls -q | xargs docker rmi -f"
alias dpsa="docker ps -a"
alias dwipe="docker system prune --volumes -f"
#===== docker-compose aliases
alias dcb="docker-compose build"
alias dcd="docker-compose down"
alias dcu="docker-compose up"
alias dcub="docker-compose up --build"
alias prettw="prettier --write \"./**/*.{js,jsx,json,ts,tsx,md,html,css,scss}\""
alias prettc="prettier --check \"./**/*.{js,jsx,json,ts,tsx,md,html,css,scss}\""
#===== npm aliases
##~~ npm -global
alias npmgi="npm -g install"
alias npmgls="npm -g ls"
alias npmglsd="npm -g ls --depth"
alias npmgrm="npm -g remove"
##~~ npm install
alias npmid="npm install --save-dev"
alias npmip="npm install --save"
alias npmlo="npm install --package-lock-only"
alias npmlof="npm install --package-lock-only --force"
alias npmloci="npm install --package-lock-only && npm ci"
alias npmrm="npm remove"
alias npmicinq="npm install @kount/cinq-lib@latest"
alias npmipfe="npm install @kount/pfe-lib@latest"
alias npmiportal="npm install @kount/pfe-lib@latest @kount/cinq-lib@latest"
alias npmlscinq="npm ls @kount/cinq-lib"
alias npmlspfe="npm ls @kount/pfe-lib"
alias npmdoc="npm docs"
alias npmib="npm run icons:bundle"
alias npmr="npm run"
alias npma="npm audit"
alias npmaf="npm audit fix"
alias npmb="npm run build"
alias npmbs="npm run build:sandbox"
alias npmbp="npm run build:prod"
alias npmbd="npm run build-dev"
alias npmc="npm run clean"
alias npmd="npm run dev"
alias npmf="npm run format"
alias npml="npm run lint"
alias npmlsd="npm ls --depth"
alias npms="npm start"
alias npmsl="npm run start:local"
alias npmsd="npm run start:docs"
alias npmu="npm update"
alias npmua="npm update --all"
alias npmw="npm run watch"
alias npmsi07="npm run start --env=intg07"
alias npmsi10="npm run start --env=intg10"
alias npmsi11="npm run start --env=intg11"
alias npmsq6="npm run start --env=qa06"
alias npmsq7="npm run start --env=qa07"
alias npmss13="npm run start --env=sandbox13"
##~~ npm test
alias npmt="npm run test"
alias npmtv="npm run test --verbose"
alias npmtw="npm run test:watch"
alias npmtwd="npm run test:watch:debug"
#===== rm aliases
alias rmnm="rm -rf ./node_modules"
alias rmnmpl="rm -rf ./node_modules ./package-lock.json"
alias rmpl="rm ./package-lock.json"
alias rmrf="rm -rf"
alias rmng="rm -rf .angular"
#===== timestamp aliases
alias da='date "+%Y-%m-%d %A %T %Z"'
alias stamp='date "+%Y/%m/%d %a %H:%M:%S"'
#===== tree aliases
alias tree1='tree -L 1'
alias tree2='tree -L 2'
alias tree3='tree -L 3'
alias tree='tree -hF'
#===== vscode aliases
alias vsc="code ."
#===== sass-migrator aliases
alias sassmv="sass-migrator module --verbose"
alias sassmvd="sass-migrator module --verbose --migrate-deps"
alias sassmnmv="sass-migrator module --load-path node_modules"
alias sassmnmvd="sass-migrator module --verbose --migrate-deps --load-path node_modules"
#===== ? misc aliases ?
# alias which='type -all'
alias c='clear'
alias clean="rm *~"
alias cleanweb='rm -rf build/* node_modules/* dist/*'
alias df='df -h -l -x tmpfs -x usbfs'
alias dua='ls -A | xargs du -sch * | sort -h'
alias duas='ls -A | xargs sudo du -sch * | sort -h'
alias fname='find . -name $1'
alias h='history | grep $1'
alias hosts='sudo vim /private/etc/hosts'
alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}'
alias ports="lsof -iTCP -P -sTCP:LISTEN" # Show used ports # netstat
alias psg='ps -ef | grep $1'
alias sfname='sudo find / -name $1'
alias sudo='sudo ' # Replace sudo so it can be used with other aliases
alias top-commands='history | awk "{print $2}" | awk "BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}" |sort|uniq -c | sort -rn | head -10' # Show most popular commands
alias trash="rm -rr ~/.Trash"
#===== external (github) folder aliases
#~~ @angular
alias cdng="cd $NG"
alias vsng="code $NG"
#~~ @angular/material
alias mat="cd $MAT"
alias vsmat="code $MAT"
#~~ bootstrap
alias boot="cd $BOOT"
alias vsboot="code $BOOT"
#~~ lodash
alias lo="cd $LO"
alias vslodash="code $LO"
#~~ ng-select
alias ngselect="cd $NGSELECT"
alias vsngselect="code $NGSELECT"
#~~ ag-grid
alias aggrid="cd $AGGRID"
alias vsaggrid="code $AGGRID"
#~~ okta
alias okta="cd $OKTA"
alias vsokta="code $OKTA"
### Kount specific aliases
if [ -f ~/.kount-aliases ]; then
. ~/.kount-aliases
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