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Created February 1, 2013 17:45
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A simple program that detects water and sets off an alarm (buzzer) and blinks an LED.
Spark Fun Electronics
Nathan Seidle
This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).
When the ATtiny senses water between two pins, go crazy. Make noise, blink LED.
Created to replace the water sensor in my Nauticam 17401 underwater enclosure. The original board
ate up CR2032s, sorta kinda worked some of the time, and had pretty low quality assembly. We have the
technology. We can make it better!
We take a series of readings of the water sensor at power up. We then wait for a deviation of more than
100 from the average before triggering the alarm.
The alarm will run for a minimum of 2 seconds before shutting down.
The original board had the following measurements @ 3.21V:
In alarm mode: ~30mA with LED on and making sound
Off: 10nA. Really? Wow.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(4, 3); // RX, TX
//Pin definitions for regular Arduino Uno (used during development)
/*const byte buzzer1 = 8;const byte buzzer2 = 9;
const byte statLED = 10;
const byte waterSensor = A0;*/
//Pin definitions for actual ATtiny
const byte buzzer1 = 0;
const byte buzzer2 = 1;
const byte statLED = 4;
const byte waterSensor = 2; //A1;
//This is the average analog value found during startup. Usually ~995
//When hit with water, the analog value will drop to ~400. A diff of 100 is good.
int waterAvg = 0;
int maxDifference = 100; //A diff of more than 100 in the analog value will trigger the system.
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzer2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(statLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(waterSensor, INPUT_PULLUP);
//Take a series of readings from the water sensor and average them
waterAvg = 0;
for(int x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++)
waterAvg += analogRead(waterSensor);
//During power up, blink the LED to let the world know we're alive
if(digitalRead(statLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(statLED, LOW);
waterAvg /= 8;
mySerial.print("Avg: ");
//During power up, beep the buzzer to verify function
digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(statLED, LOW);
void loop()
mySerial.print("Read: ");
//Check for water
int waterDifference = abs(analogRead(waterSensor) - waterAvg);
if(waterDifference > maxDifference) //Ahhh! Water! Alarm!
long startTime = millis(); //Record the current time
long timeSinceBlink = millis(); //Record the current time for blinking
digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH); //Start out with the uh-oh LED on
//Loop until we don't detect water AND 2 seconds of alarm have completed
while(waterDifference > maxDifference || (millis() - startTime) < 2000)
alarmSound(); //Make noise!!
if(millis() - timeSinceBlink > 100) //Toggle the LED every 100ms
timeSinceBlink = millis();
if(digitalRead(statLED) == LOW)
digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(statLED, LOW);
waterDifference = abs(analogRead(waterSensor) - waterAvg); //Take a new reading
mySerial.print("Read: ");
} //Loop until we don't detect water AND 2 seconds of alarm have completed
digitalWrite(statLED, LOW); //No more alarm. Turn off LED
// This is just a unique (annoying) sound we came up with, there is no magic to it
// Comes from the Simon Says game/kit actually
//250us to 79us
void alarmSound(void)
// Toggle the buzzer at various speeds
for (byte x = 250 ; x > 70 ; x--)
for (byte y = 0 ; y < 3 ; y++)
digitalWrite(buzzer2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzzer1, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer2, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzzer1, HIGH);
//It turns out Arduino IDE v1.0.3 doesn't support 1MHz delayMicroseconds:
//So we're going to fake it with nops()
void microDelay(byte amount)
for(byte x = 0 ; x < amount ; x++)
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