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PDM Audio harvester to serial
/* Author: @justiceamoh and Nathan Seidle
Created: November 19th, 2019
License: MIT. See SparkFun Arduino Apollo3 Project for more information
This example demonstrates how to read audio data and output
it to a WAV file. This sektch outputs raw serial, an accompanying
python script visualizes and coverts the raw data to a WAV file.
Note: Audio samples are generated fast enough that we need to output
serial at 500kbps.
#include "am_bsp.h"
// ----------------
// Global Variables
// ----------------
#define BUFFSIZE 512
uint32_t PDMDataBuffer[BUFFSIZE];
int16_t *pi16Buffer = (int16_t *) PDMDataBuffer;
volatile int16_t outBuffer1[BUFFSIZE];
volatile int16_t outBuffer2[BUFFSIZE];
volatile int buff1New = false;
volatile int buff2New = false;
bool newData = false;
am_hal_pdm_transfer_t sTransfer;
// -----------------
// PDM Configuration
// -----------------
void *PDMHandle = NULL;
am_hal_pdm_config_t newConfig = {
.eClkDivider = AM_HAL_PDM_MCLKDIV_1,
.eLeftGain = AM_HAL_PDM_GAIN_0DB,
.eRightGain = AM_HAL_PDM_GAIN_P90DB, //Found empirically
.ui32DecimationRate = 48, // OSR = 1500/16 = 96 = 2*SINCRATE --> SINC_RATE = 48
.bHighPassEnable = 0,
.ui32HighPassCutoff = 0xB,
.ePDMClkSpeed = AM_HAL_PDM_CLK_1_5MHZ,
.bInvertI2SBCLK = 0,
.bPDMSampleDelay = 0,
.bDataPacking = 1,
.ui32GainChangeDelay = 1,
.bI2SEnable = 0,
.bSoftMute = 0,
.bLRSwap = 0,
// -----------------
// PDM Configuration
// -----------------
void pdm_init(void) {
// Initialize, power-up and configure PDM
am_hal_pdm_initialize(0, &PDMHandle);
am_hal_pdm_power_control(PDMHandle, AM_HAL_PDM_POWER_ON, false);
am_hal_pdm_configure(PDMHandle, &newConfig);
// Configure PDM pins
am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_PDM_DATA, g_AM_BSP_PDM_DATA);
am_hal_gpio_pinconfig(AM_BSP_PDM_CLOCK, g_AM_BSP_PDM_CLOCK);
// Configure PDM interrupts - set to trigger on DMA completion
am_hal_pdm_interrupt_enable(PDMHandle, (AM_HAL_PDM_INT_DERR
// Enable PDM interrupt
// ----------------------------
// Get Data from PDM Microphone
// ----------------------------
void pdm_data_start(void) {
// Configure DMA and target address.
sTransfer.ui32TargetAddr = (uint32_t ) PDMDataBuffer;
sTransfer.ui32TotalCount = BUFFSIZE * 2;
// Start the data transfer.
am_hal_pdm_dma_start(PDMHandle, &sTransfer);
void pdm_data_stop(void) {
// -----------------------------
// PDM Interrupt Service Routine
// -----------------------------
extern "C" void am_pdm_isr(void) {
uint32_t ui32Status;
// Read the interrupt status.
am_hal_pdm_interrupt_status_get(PDMHandle, &ui32Status, true);
am_hal_pdm_interrupt_clear(PDMHandle, ui32Status);
// Once DMA transaction completes, move to Queue & Start next conversion
if (ui32Status & AM_HAL_PDM_INT_DCMP) {
// for (int i = 0; i < BUFFSIZE; i++) {
// AudioQueue.push(pi16Buffer[i]);
// }
//Store in the first available buffer
if (buff1New == false)
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFSIZE; i++) {
outBuffer1[i] = pi16Buffer[i];
buff1New = true;
else if (buff2New == false)
for (int i = 0; i < BUFFSIZE; i++) {
outBuffer2[i] = pi16Buffer[i];
buff2New = true;
//Used for debugging
Serial.println("Over flow!");
newData = true;
// Start next conversion
am_hal_pdm_dma_start(PDMHandle, &sTransfer);
void setup() {
void loop() {
void processFrame() {
//Grab up to 512 bytes from circular buffer and print them
// if (AudioQueue.isEmpty() == false) {
// uint16_t tempBuff[512];
// int counter = 0;
// while (counter < 512)
// {
// if (AudioQueue.isEmpty())
// {
// Serial.write((uint8_t*)tempBuff, counter);
// delay(2);
// break;
// }
// tempBuff[counter++] = AudioQueue.pop();
// }
// }
if (newData == true)
if (buff1New == true)
Serial.write((uint8_t*)outBuffer1, sizeof(outBuffer1));
buff1New = false;
if (buff2New == true)
Serial.write((uint8_t*)outBuffer2, sizeof(outBuffer2));
buff2New = false;
newData = false;
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nseidle commented Jul 2, 2020

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Thank you so much! I have another query. I am trying to interface a PDM mic for ultrasonic sound. Can this provide higher clock for the PDM mic? It requires above 2MHz clock speed for ultrasonic mode. Also, If I want to capture 40k Hz sound, I need to sample it to at least 80k. Is it possible? Please let me know. Thanks!

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