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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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The .screenrc I use - credits to its author.
# $Id: screenrc,v 1.7 2007/10/08 19:01:09 drscream Exp $
# Copyright 2007 Frubar Network (
shell -$SHELL
autodetach on
defutf8 on
deflogin off
startup_message off
nethack on
activity "activity in %n (%t)"
bell_msg "bell in %n (%t)"
defhstatus "screen: ^En (^Et)"
shelltitle "$ |sh:"
vbell on
vbell_msg "WHAT ??!!"
vbellwait 1
msgminwait 1
msgwait 3
#hardcopy_append on
#hardcopydir ~/.screen
windowlist title " Num%+3=| Fl%+3=| Name"
windowlist string " %3n%+3=| %f%+3=| %t"
#zombie ^D^C
escape ^Aa
termcapinfo xterm|xterm-256color|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@
#idle 600 blanker
#blankerprg nice -n 19 cmatrix -abu9
bind ^r source "${HOME}/.screenrc"
bind ^e escape ^Xx
bind ^y escape ^Aa
bind ^x lockscreen
bind o copy
bind p paste .
bind . number
bind l lastmsg
bind w windowlist -b
bind r resize
bind s select
bind > split
bind < remove
bind ^f focus down
bind = resize =
bind + resize +5
bind - resize -5
bind ~ resize max
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string '%{= kY}[ %{R}%H %{Y}][ %{g}load[%l] %{Y}][ %{B}%d/%m/%Y %c %{Y}][ %{r}%=%?%-w%?(%n%f %t)%?%+w%? %{Y}]'
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