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Created August 7, 2015 01:11
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type DefaultWindowStyle () as this =
member val Color = ShadowedTextColor(RGBA8.White, RGBA8(0, 0, 0, 127)) with get, set
member val Alignment = TextAlignment.Left with get, set
member val Ellipsis = Char.ConvertToUtf32("…", 0) with get, set
member val Font = getFont guiResourceGroup "fonts/dejavu.font" with get, set
member val DecorNine : LazyNineAtlasTextures = getNineAtlasTextures guiResourceGroup "atlases/gui.atlas#decor" with get, set
member val HandleSizes = lazy (this.DecorNine.Sizes |> (Vec2i.Max (Vec2i 5)))
interface IWindowStyle with
override s.AdditionalSize w = nineAdditionalSize s.DecorNine.Sizes
override s.InnerRect w = nineInnerRect w.IdleRect s.DecorNine.Sizes
override s.ClassifyPart (p, w) =
let hs = s.HandleSizes.Value
let r = w.Rect
// corners
if (Rect.SizedAt hs.[0] r.TopLeft).Contains p then
elif (Rect.SizedAt hs.[2] (r.TopRight - Vec2i(X=hs.[2].X - 1))).Contains p then
elif (Rect.SizedAt hs.[6] (r.BottomLeft - Vec2i(Y=hs.[6].Y - 1))).Contains p then
elif (Rect.SizedAt hs.[8] (r.BottomRight - hs.[8] + Vec2i(1))).Contains p then
// sides
elif Rect(r.Left + hs.[0].X, r.Top, r.Right - hs.[2].X, r.Top + hs.[1].Y - 1).Contains p then
elif Rect(r.Left, r.Top + hs.[0].Y, r.Left + hs.[3].X - 1, r.Bottom - hs.[6].Y).Contains p then
elif Rect(r.Right - hs.[5].X + 1, r.Top + hs.[2].Y, r.Right, r.Bottom - hs.[8].Y).Contains p then
elif Rect(r.Left + hs.[6].X, r.Bottom - hs.[7].Y + 1, r.Right - hs.[8].X, r.Bottom).Contains p then
override s.Draw (dc, w) =
if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty w.Caption) then
let r = nineHeaderRect w.IdleRect s.DecorNine.Sizes
let r = Rect.CenteredIn (r.Size - Vec2i(X=10)) r
dc.Text(2, s.Font.Value, w.Caption, s.Alignment, s.Ellipsis, r, s.Color.Normal)
let r = r.Moved(Vec2i(Y=1))
dc.Text(1, s.Font.Value, w.Caption, s.Alignment, s.Ellipsis, r, s.Color.Shadow)
dc.BlendFunc(0, BlendFactor.One, BlendFactor.Zero, BlendFactor.One, BlendFactor.Zero)
dc.NineAtlasQuads(0, s.DecorNine.Value, w.IdleRect, "sssssssss", RGBA8.White)
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