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Last active October 1, 2015 23:57
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Save nsfmc/2127455 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
commit successive changes to illutrator files
#!env python
""" - (c) 2012 marcos.a.ojeda <>
--"Quis leget haec?"
graphicsmagick - brew install graphicsmagick
ghostscript - brew install ghostscript
macfsevents - pip install MacFSEvents
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import fsevents
import re
from collections import defaultdict
def popen_results(args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.communicate()[0]
def popen_return_code(args, input=None):
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return proc.returncode
FS_ITEM_CREATED = 0x00000100 #256
FS_ITEM_REMOVED = 0x00000200 #512
FS_ITEM_RENAMED = 0x00000800 #2048
FS_ITEM_MODIFIED = 0x00001000 #4096
# deal with observing the filesystem
def run_observer(observer):
print 'Artboard is now looking for changes in %s' % os.getcwd()
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def whatsnew():
newfiles = popen_results("hg st -m -a -u -n".split(' ')).strip()
if newfiles:
return newfiles.split('\n')
return []
def extracto(files):
"""groups and bins changes to files"""
bs = re.compile('(?P<filename>.*?)-(?P<artboard>\d{2}).png')
coll = defaultdict(list)
for f in files:
fn = os.path.split(f)[1]
m =
if m:
return ['"" boards:(%s)' % (f, ','.join([str(ab) for ab in coll[f]])) for f in coll]
# iterate over illustrator files
def renderFiles( illustrations ):
"""feeds files through gm"""
for ai in illustrations:
print "+ Rendering %s" % ai
base = ai.split(".")[0]
newfile = 'repo/%s-%%02d.png' % base
cmds = ["gm", "convert", "+adjoin", ai, newfile]
# commit the files
concise = extracto(whatsnew())
print ' New/Modified files:'
print '\n'.join([' - %s' % x for x in concise])
addresults = popen_results(["hg", "add", "."])
commit_msg = popen_results(["hg", "ci", "-m", "; ".join(concise)])
def callback(event, *args, **kwargs):
"""docstring for callback"""
fname = os.path.split([-1]
if fname.endswith("ai"):
print '\n%s has changed' % fname
fileschanged = whatsnew()
if fileschanged:
observer = fsevents.Observer()
stream = fsevents.Stream(callback, os.getcwd(), file_events=True)
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nsfmc commented Jan 11, 2013

this is broken at least for me in that the only way i can terminate the script is by killing the window.

also, at some point gm added the +adjoin option (or made it necessary), so it may break with older versions of gm.

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