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Created April 17, 2017 23:14
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// @flow
import {parse} from 'babylon';
const commonParser = (input: string) => parse(input, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['jsx', 'flow'],
const bodyParser = (input: string) => commonParser(input).program.body;
const commentParser = (input: string) => commonParser(input).comments;
const parseLine = (input: string) => bodyParser(input).filter(
d => d.type === 'ImportDeclaration'
const typeofImportDeclaration = (declaration: any) => {
const value = declaration.source.value;
const src = value.startsWith('src/');
const relative =^\.+/) !== -1;
const cssPath = value.endsWith('.css');
const jsxPath = value.endsWith('.jsx');
const componentPath ='components/') !== -1;
const flowImport = declaration.importKind === 'type';
if (flowImport) {
return 'type';
if (!src && !relative) {
return 'vendor';
if (cssPath) {
return 'css';
if (jsxPath || componentPath) {
return 'component';
if (src && !componentPath) {
return 'misc';
export const kindOf = (importString: string) => (
export const highLevelParser = (codeBlock: string) => {
const declarations = bodyParser(codeBlock).map(declaration => {
const startLine = declaration.loc.start.line;
const endLine = declaration.loc.end.line;
switch (declaration.type) {
case 'ImportDeclaration':
return [typeofImportDeclaration(declaration), [startLine, endLine]];
return ['other', [startLine, endLine]];
const comments = commentParser(codeBlock).map(comment => {
const startLine = comment.loc.start.line;
const endLine = comment.loc.start.line;
return ['comment', [startLine, endLine], comment.value];
return [...declarations, ...comments].sort((a, b) => a[1][0] - b[1][0]);
export const isSpacedOk = (simpleParsed: any[]) => {
const pragmaFirst = pragmaSpaced(simpleParsed);
const twoSpaces = doubleSpacedContent(simpleParsed);
return pragmaFirst && twoSpaces;
const doubleSpacedContent = (simpleParsed: any[]) => {
// Ensure there are two spaces between import country and code land
const firstNonCommentLine = simpleParsed.findIndex(node => node[0] === 'other');
if (firstNonCommentLine > 0) {
const lastNonCodeDeclaration = simpleParsed[firstNonCommentLine - 1];
const lastImportishEndLine = lastNonCodeDeclaration[1][1];
const firstNonImportStartLine = simpleParsed[firstNonCommentLine][1][0];
return firstNonImportStartLine - lastImportishEndLine === 3;
return true; // pure vanilla js, don't care;
const pragmaSpaced = (simpleParsed: any[]) => {
// ensure that there is an empty line between pragma and non-pragma
const firstNonComment = simpleParsed.findIndex(node => node[0] !== 'comment' && node[0] !== 'other');
const pragma = simpleParsed.findIndex(node => {
const [type, loc, value] = node;
const isComment = type === 'comment';
if (isComment) {
const isFlowPragma ='@flow') !== -1;
return isFlowPragma;
return false;
const hasPragma = pragma > -1;
const pragmaFirst = hasPragma && pragma < firstNonComment;
if (pragmaFirst) {
const pragmaLine = simpleParsed[pragma][1][1];
const nextLine = simpleParsed[firstNonComment][1][0];
return nextLine - pragmaLine === 2;
return true; // no pragma, don't care
// @flow
import {kindOf, highLevelParser, isSpacedOk} from '../imports';
describe('detecting vendor imports', () => {
test('looks like a vendor import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import React from 'react';`)).toEqual('vendor');
test('looks like a destructured vendor import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import {Component} from 'react';`)).toEqual('vendor');
test('deals with lodash and other nested imports', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import zip from 'lodash/zip';`)).toEqual('vendor');
describe('detects flow type imports', () => {
test('looks like a flow type import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import type {CSS} from './style.css';`)).toEqual('type');
describe('detects css imports', () => {
test('looks like a css import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import css from './style.css';`)).toEqual('css');
describe('detects component imports', () => {
test('looks like a component import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import Selector from 'src/components/lib/Selector/selector.jsx';`)).toEqual('component');
test('looks like a component import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import Selector from 'src/components/lib/rte/';`)).toEqual('component');
describe('detects miscellaneous js imports', () => {
test('looks like a utils import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import * as reduxApi from 'src/utils/redux-api.js';`)).toEqual('misc');
test('looks like an action-creator import', () => {
expect(kindOf(`import * as reduxApi from 'src/action-creators/agency-overvie';`)).toEqual('misc');
describe('highLevelParser', () => {
const codeBlock = (
`// @flow
import type {AgencyOverview} from 'src/api-parsers/index';
import flow from 'lodash/flow';
import {key, cached, fetching} from 'src/utils/redux';
import * as reduxApi from 'src/utils/redux-api.js';
import parsers from 'src/api-parsers/index'; // eslint-disable-line no-duplicate-imports
import css from './blah.css';
export const FOO = 2;
test('declarationOrder', () => {
expect(highLevelParser(codeBlock)[0]).toEqual(['comment', [1, 1], ' @flow']);
describe('spacing', () => {
test('complains about inadequate space between pragma and first import', () => {
const parsed = [['comment', [1, 1], ' @flow'], ['type', [2, 2]], ['vendor', [4, 4]]];
test('is ok with one line between pragma and first import', () => {
const parsed = [['comment', [1, 1], ' @flow'], ['type', [3, 2]], ['vendor', [4, 4]]];
test('needs two lines between pragma and first non-import node', () => {
const parsed = [['comment', [1, 1], ' @flow'], ['other', [4, 2]]];
test('needs two lines between imports and first non-import node', () => {
const parsed = [['comment', [1, 1], 'whatever'], ['css', [6, 9]], ['other', [12, 12]]];
test('deals with files without imports', () => {
const parsed = [['other', [2, 2]]];
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