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Created August 22, 2012 15:44
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Scala Binary Search
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object BinarySearchApp{
def main(args: Array[String]){
val l = List(1,2,4,5,6, 8,9,25,31);
println("Hello World!")
println(search2(5, l))
println(search2(6, l))
println(search2(7, l))
def search(target:Int, l:List[Int]) = {
def recursion(low:Int, high:Int):Option[Int] = (low+high)/2 match{
case _ if high < low => None
case mid if l(mid) > target => recursion(low, mid-1)
case mid if l(mid) < target => recursion(mid+1, high)
case mid => Some(mid)
recursion(0,l.size - 1)
def search2(target:Int, l:List[Int]) = {
def recursion(mid:Int, list:List[Int]):Option[Int]= list match {
case tar::Nil if tar == target => Some(tar)
case tar::Nil => None
case ls => {
val(lows,highs) = ls.splitAt(mid)
if (ls(mid)>target)
recursion((lows.size)/2, lows)
recursion((highs.size)/2, highs)
recursion((l.size)/2, l);
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u can avoid a serious bug by changing the code from (high +mid) / 2 to low + (high - low) / 2, this is safe from overflow.

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the second one does not return an index of the target item, it returns the target which is not proper for the search function

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gupash commented Mar 2, 2019

The second one "search2" doesn't work as expected. It is missing a elseif clause

def binarySearch[T <% Ordered[T]](xs: List[T], elem: T): Option[T] = {

    def search(xs: List[T], mid: Int): Option[T] = xs match {
      case v :: Nil if v == elem => Some(v)
      case _ :: Nil => None
      case ls =>
        val (fh, sh) = xs.splitAt(mid)
        val midElem = ls(mid)
        if (midElem < elem) search(sh, sh.length / 2)
        else if (midElem > elem) search(fh, fh.length / 2)
        else Some(midElem)

    search(xs, xs.length / 2)

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